Chapter Five

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Once school had finished we met the rest of the gang outside, "Right girls I want to hear you cheering for us!" Scott shouted. 

"Yeah ok," Bria laughed. 

Chad was standing next to me. "Hey listen, be careful out there and good luck," I said as I turned to look at him smiling at me. 

"Awww you care," he teased. "Thanks beautiful," he said before he ran over to the other lads. 

I turned to see Aubrey and Bria staring at me. "What?" I asked. 

"You two well fancy each other!" Bria laughed. "I can feel the sexual tension between you both." 

"Don't be silly," I told them as I walked ahead to the stands where people had already started to gather. 

The cheerleaders came out first, Chastity and her minions Simone and Kristi came running out behind her. They were dressed like whores, their skirts were that short I could see their underwear. Lads started to whistle as Chastity spun round for them. 

At half time our school was down by one point all the lads gathered for a drink. Chad looked up and glanced in my direction giving me one of his infectious smiles. I must say he looked handsome as he was all sweaty in his kit. Chastity ran over to him making a fuss which was pissing him off. 

Jesse took the last kick of the match which earned them the winning point. All the lads jumped on him celebrating their victory. The crowd cheered and screamed with pride.

The stalls started to empty as we waited to speak to the lads before leaving to get ready for the party. 

"Hey well done!" Aubrey shouted to Jesse. 

"Thanks babe," he said pulling her into a kiss. 

"Right you two ready?" Bria asked. 

"Yeah I am," I replied waiting for Aubrey and Jesse to finish. Jesse finally pulled away and ran into the changing rooms shouting bye. We started to walk to the car when my phone buzzed.

To: Elise 

From: Chad

Looking forward to our dance :-) xx

I couldn't help but laugh out loud. "What you laughing at? Or better still, who is that texting you?" Aubrey quizzed as we got in her car. 

"Oh it's no one," I smirked.

To: Chad 

From: Elise 

Haha best get practicing your dance moves! xx

My phone buzzed straight away, a smile formed across my lips as I opened the message. My smile dropped as I seen 'his' name.

To: Elise 

From: Blaine

Hey Doll, just want to remind you about being good! 

Looking forward to seeing you Sunday xx

I shoved my phone in my pocket. Once we got to Aubrey’s we all started to try clothes on. Bria settled on a short tight black dress with black wedges. Her long blonde hair hung straight down her back. Aubrey was wearing a pair of black leather leggings and a purple glittery crop top. She was so thin and pretty. 

I couldn't decide what to wear. 

"Just wear what you feel comfortable in," Bria said as she poured us more vodka. I finally decided on a loose white top with black writing across it saying 'what's love got to do with it?' I thought it fitted quite well with my life right now. I wore a black midi skirt and black shoe boots. I let my hair fall down my back in loose curls. 

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