Chapter Twenty Five

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I sat with my knees pulled up tightly against my chest as I gazed at the shiny new bracelet that hung off my small wrist. I ran my fingers over it thinking about that perfect moment when Chad gave it to me. I couldn't help but smile a little.  

The door swung open in the far corner of the room reminding me of where I was. My arms tightened around my legs as I kept my eyes on the floor. Blaine stumbled over until he stopped in front of me. He swayed side to side obviously drunk. 

"Get up!" He shouted. I quickly scrambled to my feet trying to put the pain of my possible broken ribs to the back of my mind. "You’re moving from this room I have a guest coming over." 

I rolled my eyes knowing exactly what kind of company he will be having over. Why the hell hasn't he just let me go home already? He took my arm roughly and dragged me out of the room causing me to trip. "Walk properly will you!" He snapped. 

"I would if you weren't pulling me!" I muttered hoping he hadn't heard me. 

"In here will do," he smiled as he open the door at the end of his hall. He stretched his arm out pushing me into the room, my body suddenly jolted forward throwing me hard in to his chest. He squeezed hold of my jaw pulling it closer to his aggressive face. The stench of his breath blew against my sore face. 

"I will be back soon, don't bother screaming cause no one will hear you. See you in abit Doll," he slammed his filthy beer stained lips on top of mine before pushing me to the floor and slamming the door shut behind him. 

Tears filled my eyes as I rubbed my lips to try and get the taste of stale beer from them. I sat against the door and listen to the noise that came from the living room. I covered my ears and began to hum as the moans of a girl clearly having sex with Blaine echoed throughout the house.  

After what felt like forever I heard a faint bang at the front door. I pushed my ear against the door as I heard muffled voices coming from the entrance of the hall way.  

"Where the fuck is she?" I heard someone mutter, a voice I recognized. 

My back straightened and a small smile began to spread across my bloodstained face. Chad, I knew he would come for me. I began to whimper through the door in the hope that Chad would hear me. I started to knock against the door but the voices seemed to rise over every bang I made. I heard a slam as the door shut. My stomach began to ache knowing that he was so close to me yet so far. I had to get out of here.

After a few minutes later I heard the front door open and shut again. Footsteps echoed through the hallway as they draw nearer to the door I was sat against. I pushed my aching body up off the floor and took a few steps back as the handle of the door twisted. Blaine burst through the door. He shot me a murderous look as he stood in the doorway. 

"Lover boy has been," he said after a long pause just staring at me. 

"Why don't you just let me go Blaine? Please," I begged.  

"I just don't understand you Elise! One minute you will do anything for me but then that dickhead comes on the scene and you drop your knickers for him within days! Seriously you have acted like a slut," he thundered. 

"Don't you dare call me a slut. You know just as much as I do that I'm far from a slut!" I cried out desperately. 

He broke into a laugh, it filled the room and sent shivers down my spine. 

"Listen love, everyone knows you’re an easy fuck! And to be honest a shit one at that," he sighed happily moving towards me. 

"Is that right," I closed the gab between us and leaned in close to his face. "Well if I'm honest, you, you were forgettable. Chad and I make love and it's the best I've ever had!" I snapped losing my patience with his pathetic childish behaviour.

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