Chapter Eleven

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I jumped to my alarm ringing loudly, as I turned to turn it off I screamed not realizing that Chad was lying next to me. 

"What the hell Lis!" Chad shouted. 

I couldn't help but stare at him as he was sprawled out across my bed. 

"What are you doing in my bed?" I asked confused. 

"I must have fallen asleep when we were talking," he smiled smugly. "You have a good sleep beautiful?"  

"It was ok, not much room though," I laughed nudging into his arm. 

He started to fake yawn stretching his arms pushing me further over the bed, squashing me into the wall. 

"Chad!" I squealed. 

"What? I need some room. Stop hogging the bed will you," he teased rolling towards me. 

"Chad," I yelped as my face pressed against the wall. We both burst into laughter. 

"Oh, I'm sorry. Do you need some room?" He joked sliding back over. 

"Just a little," I laughed. 

We both laid in silence for a few minutes. 

"Well I best get back to the spare room don't want Scott seeing me in here, otherwise I would have to kick his arse," Chad giggled as he lifted up off the bed. "See you at breakfast," he planted a soft kiss on the top of my head and crept out of my room. I instantly rolled over to where Chad was laying. The pillow was warm, his scent still lingered as I sharply inhaled it in.

I walked to the kitchen my eyes immediately met his. My stomach began to flutter as he shot me a smile. 

"Hey worm you want a drink?" Scott asked as he poured juice into glasses. 

"Yeah ok, thanks." 

"So you have a good sleep beautiful?" Chad asked laughing quietly. 

What the hell is he playing at? Two can play this game I thought to myself. 

"It was ok, kept getting a funny smell though," I teased. 

"Oh funny smell, that's strange. Well if it's any help I had a wonderful sleep," he winked slyly making me blush. 

"Yeah I had a great sleep too thanks for asking, right you guys ready to go?" Scott called as he walked out the door.

We finally arrived at school, I jumped out the car quickly before Chad made another sly comment about him sleeping in my room. Aubrey and Bria were standing by our lockers laughing. 

"Hiya, what's so funny?" I asked opening my locker. 

"We're just talking about Chastity," Bria laughed. "Apparently she was caught in bed with her dad’s best friend and he has gone mad!"  

"What a slut right?" Aubrey giggled. 

She quickly turned her head and started to fiddle with her locker. 

"What's the joke?" Chastity screamed, as I spun round she stood with her hands on her hips. 

"What?" I asked confused. 

"Well something is obviously funny, so come on share the joke!"  

"Get lost Chastity!" I glared. 

"I want to know what you were laughing at?" She shouted making people stop in their tracks to watch. 

"It was a private joke," Bria snarled. 

"Yes so if you don't mind," Aubrey added. 

A small giggle escaped my mouth as the look on chastity’s face as we stood up to her was priceless. 

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