Chapter Twenty

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Blaine's POV

My head thumped as I lifted it, I squinted my eyes as I looked around my surroundings. I rolled my eyes as I looked at all the mess that laid around the bed. Empty spirit and beer bottles covered the floor. As I lifted I tugged my arm, I turned to see a blonde laying naked next to me. I snatched my arm away and crawled out of the bed grabbing hold of a pair of shorts and quickly pulling them up. I stumbled out of the bedroom shutting the door quietly on the way out. As I walked into the kitchen, James and Clive sat up the table laughing. 

"God man you looking fucking rough as," James smirked handing me his cup of coffee. 

"Shut up....what the fuck happened last night? I remember being at the club but that's it," I asked confused. 

"Mate you we're off you're head. That shit you were getting off crazy George blew you're head right off," Clive laughed. 

"God yes I remember that, it was good shit that. Who's the bitch in my bed?" I asked pointing upstairs. 

"You invited her and her mates round, you were at it all night with the four of them. Then three of them got off about half five," Clive smiled raising his hand to high five me. 

"Shit mate I can't remember any of it," I sighed rubbing the back of my neck. 

I flopped onto a chair as I emptied a bag of cocaine on to the table. I lined it up using a coaster. It rushed up my nostril as I sniffed up. My nose tingled as I rubbed it. I dipped my fingers into the last white bits of powder that lingered on the table and rubbed them onto my gums. 

"Right tidy this shit up now!" I demanded as I stood to my feet. 

I heard noises coming from upstairs I looked at the lads and rolled my eyes as I dragged myself back up to the dumb bitch in my room. I just wanted to get rid of her. As I walked into the room she stood in a tight black dress, running her fingers through his tatty blonde hair. 

"Hey...erm this is going to sound bad but I can't remember you're name," I laughed. 

Her face dropped as she looked at me pathetically. Did she really think I was going to remember her name? To me she is just some slut I picked up on a night out because she was easy. 

"It's Chastity!" She growled snatching her bag up off the floor. 

"Shit that's it, I'm sorry about that think I had abit too much to drink. You need a lift home chastity?" I smiled trying to be polite. 

"Erm, yeah I suppose," she spoke as she walked towards the door. "Hey I'm sure I know you're face from somewhere." 

"Me? I'm not sure," I looked confused as she stood in front of me. 

"Yes that's it. You went out with Elise didn't you?" She smiled. 

My body stiffened as she said her name. My Elise.  

"Yes I did!" 

"Oh wow. She is going to hate finding out about me and you. Can't wait to see her face at the Halloween party tonight when I tell her," she cackled walking to the stairs. 

I suddenly had a plan. 

"Wait! What party is this?" I asked. 

"The school is throwing a fancy dress Halloween party," she smiled. 

"And you're going?" I sputtered. 

"Well I'm not sure. I don't really have a date. Doesn't look too good turning up on you're own when everyone else has a date," she scoffed. 

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