Chapter Fourteen

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A flash of lightening filled the dark night sky. Silence surrounded us as we stood still. Chad's arm was wrapped firmly around me as he stood in front.  

Blaine's face hardened as he stared at Chad's arm touching me. 

"Elise," he said sternly sending shivers down my spine. 

My body starting to shake as his cold voice echoed throughout the empty street. 

"What do you want Blaine?" Chad shouted. 

Blaine looked past him and stared into my worried eyes. 

"Elise?" He repeated. 

"Just go Blaine!" Chad shouted again. 

"Shut the fuck up you!" Blaine snapped his face filled with anger as he looked at Chad. "I'm not fucking talking to you!" 

I jumped as his voice got louder. My body cowered into Chad's back, my fingers dug into his arms as I held onto him tightly. 

"I'm talking to you, leave her alone now!" Chad snarled. 

"Take you're dirty hands off my girlfriend!" He scoffed stepping towards us. 

A small yelp escaped my lips as I pulled Chad back. 

"You're girlfriend? Have you heard yourself? She's not you girlfriend anymore!! She is with me now do one will you!" Chad warned him. 

Blaine laughed loudly as he continued to step closer. "She's with you, I always said she was a slut!" 

Chad's back stiffened as Blaine laughed tilting his head back. 

"Don't you dare talk about her like that!" Chad shouted. 

"Listen you little punk, that bitch there is mine. I know it, she knows it and deep down you fucking know it. Now if I was you I would take those fucking paws off her before I make you take them off her!" He warned. 

"Fuck you!" Chad replied pushing me away from them. 

Blaine threw a hard blow to Chad's face causing him to stumble back. 

"That alls you got?" He laughed wiping away blood from a fresh cut in the corner of his mouth. 

Blaine swung his fist again but Chad stepped back, letting his fist swipe inches away from his face. Chad punched Blaine in the stomach, Blaine bent over coughing. 

As Chad turned to walk towards me Blaine suddenly threw a sharp blow to the back of his head. Chad fell to the floor. A loud scream escaped my lips as I rushed towards Chad. A burning feeling filled my scalp as I cried out in pain. Blaine pulled my hair causing me to stumble over my own feet. 

"Blaine you're hurting me!" I shouted. 

"What the fuck did I say will happen to him if you ever go by him?" He spat in my face. "You really want to see this bastard dead?"  

"No please," I yelp as he pulled my head further back. 

"You.are.mine!" He smirked as he smashed his head into my face.  

Everything went dark. I could hear loud voices and faint noises of Blaine and Chad fighting. The air fell silent. Footsteps disappeared into the distance. My head felt too heavy I couldn't lift it. My body was cold and wet as I laid on the damp floor. A cry escaped my mouth as I tried to move. 

"Chad?" I whispered. 

There was no answer. 

"Chad?" I cried waiting but still no reply. 

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