Chapter Sixteen

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I sat facing him, his smug face stared at me making me slightly nervous. 

"You ok? How's your nose?" He smiled. 

"Like you care!" I snarled. 

His body straightened causing me to withdraw. 

"I do care. I'm sorry about that Lis I really am. Seeing you defend him, it just made me so mad," he tried explained. 

"Don't Blaine," I said my voice slightly rising.  

"He had his hands on you Lis, I just saw red." 

"You just saw red, what like all those other times when you beat me. You just saw red then is that you're excuse?" I snapped. 

"No, I'm sorry. Just seeing you with him. You're mine Lis," his eyes locked into mine. "You always have been and always will be." 

"No!" I shook my head. "That's why I'm here Blaine. You have to stop this. I'm with Chad now." 

He sat back laughing. 

"What's so funny?" I asked confused. 

"You are, you're with him? Do you really think I'm going to let you walk away that easy?" He mumbled. 

"What do you mean walk away that easy? Blaine I'm telling you now, I'm with Chad. You and I, we're over!" 

"Don't be like that, let's just enjoy some coffee together just like old times," he said calmly. 

Coffee is he for real? I've just told him we're over and I'm with Chad and he wants to sit and have coffee. 

"Like old times?" I asked. 

"Yes," he nodded sipping onto his coffee. "Drink up."  

"I don't want coffee, I need to go in a minute." 

"Drink!" He shouted causing me to jump. 

"No, you can't tell me what to do anymore. I've told you Blaine we are through. You need to move on now, I'm happy with Chad. I love him." 

"What, No!" He screamed slamming his hand down onto the small round table. Our coffees spilt as the table rocked. "You love him, don't be so fucking pathetic!" 

"Now here's the Blaine I know," I laughed, my heart pounded against my chest. 

"Are you doing this to piss me off Lis 'cuz you're succeeding." 

"Oh yes because I love to see you scream and shout at me," I laughed sarcastically. 

Blaine leaned over the table grabbing hold of my wrist tightly. He pulled me in closer towards him. 

"Ow Blaine you're hurting me, let go or I will scream." 

"Shut the fuck up you dirty slut. You are fucking mine and I think you need a reminder of it," he smiled. 

"What you going on about! Just let go of me," I wriggled trying to pull my arm away from his grasp. 

"Shut the fuck up! You're coming with me," he growled. 

"No!" I shouted. "Let go or I will scream." 

"You scream and you will know about it. Now if I was you I would come along with me nicely or you're little lover boy will be dead!" He whispered in my ear as he pulled me up out of my chair. He kept hold of my wrist tightly as he shoved my body forward. A stinging pain ran through my arm from my wrist. As we got outside Blaine pushed me against his car that was parked in front of mine. 

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