Chapter Ten

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After a few days of bed rest I was finally allowed to go school, even though mum still weren't fully sure I was ready. It would be nice to just get back to normality, there's only so much pampering I can take. 

My stomach fluttered as we pulled up in the school car park. Would everyone stare at me, knowing what I had done? I took a deep breath and pushed the door open. Aubrey and Bria came straight over to me. 

"Hey, it's nice to see you back we have missed you so much!" They pulled me into a hug. 

"Thanks guys, it's nice to be back," I laughed. 

Jesse pulled me into a hug gently squeezing me. 

"Where's Chad?" I asked looking around for him. 

"Hasn't anyone told you Lis? He's gone to stay with his gran for a bit, “Jesse informed me.  

"What? Why? For how long?" I asked confused, why hadn't anyone told me this already? 

"Lis, he needed to clear his head. He was slowly losing it," he paused. "He was hurt Lis, you should of seen him. He didn't say how long he was going for." 

I smiled weakly as I fought back the tears. I had missed him so much, I needed to see him. The tears pierced my eyes, I had to get away from everyone it was too much. I pushed through Scott and Jesse quickly running into the toilets. I slammed the cubicle door shut pressing my body against it. Why can't anything go right for me? I've pushed him that far that he has left. I slid down the door as my body slumped to the floor. 

The toilet door slammed shut as footsteps rushed to the outside of my cubicle door.  

"Lis, are you ok?" Aubrey shouted. 

Tears ran down my cheeks as I pulled my legs up against my chest. 

"Lis come out please," Bria whispered. 

"What's the point? I just ruin everything," I cried. "I pushed and pushed him and now he's left because of me!" 

"He needs some time Lis, he will be back," Aubrey stated. 

I quickly wiped away my tears and stood to my feet, pulling the cubicle door open. 

"You think?" I whispered. 

"Oh hunny, come here," Bria insisted as she pulled me into a hug. Aubrey wrapped her arms around the both of us. 

"I love you guys so much!" She laughed, causing Bria and I to laugh with her.

The rest of the day dragged and it was finally time to go home. Scott and I hardly spoke on the way home. As we pulled up on our drive he turned to face me. 

"Lis, he will be back you know, just in the mean time please promise you will just focus on getting better," he smiled. 

"I will, I promise," I nodded kissing him on the cheek.

After dinner I just wanted to be on my own. Mum had to go and do her late shift so she asked Scott to stay in and 'look after me'. I shut myself in my bedroom and pushed on my headphones. Lost in the music I reminisced on the good times the gang and I have had together. Chad making us all laugh constantly. 

I jumped to the feel of my phone vibrating, I looked to see there was a message.

To: Elise 

From: Blaine

Doll I haven't heard from you in a while. 

I love you so much. I need you, 

Please come back to me! xxx

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