Chapter Seven (Elise's POV)

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Elise's POV

The pain from my head pounding as I lifted it to try and figure out my surroundings made me wince. Why did I drink so much last night? I lifted up off the bed quickly as my mouth started to water, I felt sick coming up. My hand clasped at my mouth as I ran to the bathroom making it just in time to empty my stomach. I climbed into the shower hoping it would make me feel better. The warm water cascaded over my head as I stood running my hand over my bruised ribs. Closing my eyes I tried to piece my night together. I remember dancing with Chad and the argument with Chastity. I rested my head against the tiles cringing at the thought of everyone watching me cry. My heart started crashing into my chest as I remembered Chad coming to the house and him kissing me. I ran my fingers across my lips, smiling at the thought of his touch.

After the shower I went downstairs to get some food as my stomach was rumbling. Scott was sitting up the table with his head in his hands. 

"You look as bad as I feel, good night then?" I laughed squinting with the pain from my head. 

"Shhh don't talk so loud," he whispered. "Anyway where did you get to last night?" 

"I came home, weren't really in the party mood after Chastity decided to have a screaming match with me," I sighed pouring myself a cup of coffee. 

"Oh yeah I heard about that, what was it over?" He asked. 

"Because I was dancing with Chad," I huffed as I slumped into a chair with my coffee. 

"What a good dance it was," my head snapped to the doorway. There was Chad in just a pair of shorts. My eyes raked up and down his perfectly toned body. He walked towards the table grabbing a piece of fruit. 

"What are you doing here?" Scott asked lifting his head looking confused. 

"I came to check that Elise was ok, yano after Chastity going all crazy on her," he laughed. 

"Oh thanks mate, I heard you upset her last night. All she went on was about how you called her a whore," Scott said placing his head against the table. 

I looked up wondering what Scott meant, I didn't hear Chad call her a whore. When did that happen? Chad turned and smiled at me as he sat down. "She will get over it, so what's everyone's plans today?" He asked staring at me. 

"Well I'm spending it on the couch, watching some action films and stuffing my face," Scott replied as he rubbed his head. 

"What about you Lis?" 

"I'm not sure yet, I might do my homework while Blaine's away," I looked down at my hands. 

"Oh yeah, so when's he back?" He grunted. 

"Tomorrow morning," I stood up and walked out the kitchen. I couldn't stay in there any longer being so near him made me think about the kiss. I flopped onto my bed and screamed into my pillow. 

My phone started to buzz.

To: Elise 

From: Chad

We need to talk x

Why is he making this so hard for me? I started to type a reply.

To: Chad 

From: Elise

There's nothing to talk about, 

last night was a mistake. 

I'm with Blaine!

I hit the send button and pushed my head into my pillow. Why the hell does this have to happen to me? Every time I closed my eyes I could see Chad kissing me. My phone started to buzz.

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