Chapter Six (Chad's POV)

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Chad’s POV

I couldn't keep my eyes off her, Chastity was talking to me but I had no idea what about as all I could focus on was how gracefully Elise's body moved to the music. My mouth watered as I stared watching her curvy body sway.  

"Chad, do you want a drink?" Chastity asked. 

"Erm, yeah ok," I said, anything to get her away from me. 

Chastity was like a leach, she wouldn't leave me alone. I slowly walked over to where Elise was dancing, my hands reached out to touch her, they slid down her back. They clenched as they rested on her waist. She turned to face me, her beauty was breath taking.  

"So this dance," I whispered into her ear. "Can I have it now?"  

I couldn't help but smile as she nodded. I slid my hands around to the small of her back, rubbing my fingers against her body. My heart started to race as she placed her hands on my chest pushing them up around my neck. I smiled at her as we began to move to the music. This had to be the best dance I've ever had, seems I've been waiting for this moment for such a long time. Ever since I laid eyes on Elise I knew that she was the one. I used to drive Scott mad always talking about her. If only she was single. That Blaine lad does not deserve someone as beautiful and intelligent as her.

My thoughts were abruptly ended as Elise fell into me. She quickly turned facing Chastity who was glaring at us both. 

"Did you just push me?" Elise asked. 

"Yes I did, I believe you have taken my date," she shouted pointing at me. 

What the hell, did she really just say that? I stood puzzled. Since when did I say I was her date? 

"Your date," Elise laughed. "Chastity are you that deluded?"  

"Sorry love I think you should be asking yourself that," she screamed in Elise's face. "Last time I checked you had a boyfriend, yet here you are all over Chad." 

What a bitch, Chastity stood with her hands on her hips. 

"I don't think your boyfriend will appreciate pictures of you dancing with another lad," she laughed holding up her phone. 

"Just get lost Chastity," I shouted as I started to pull Elise back towards the kitchen. 

"Yeah go on run away, your nothing but a little slut!" She screamed the room stopped as everyone stared. 

"Get lost Chastity!" Aubrey shouted.

Elise suddenly ran out of the door, I had to see her. I followed out of the house chasing her down the path. 

"Lis are you ok?" I shouted running towards her as she fell to her knees. 

"Please just leave me alone Chad," she cried. She looked broken as she stared at the floor. 

"I'm not leaving you like this," I sat down next to her. "Just ignore Chastity Lis your better than her." 

"She's right though isn't she, I have a boyfriend and I'm dancing like that with you," she cried. 

I tilted her head so I could see into her beautiful green eyes. "You have done nothing wrong," I reassured her. Why does she think she's done something wrong? 

"Don't Chad," she said, pulling her face away from my grasp. She stood to her feet and started to stumble backwards. 

"What are you doing Lis?" I asked wondering where she was going. 

"I'm going home," she started to sob. 

"Not on your own," I quickly stood to my feet and started to walk towards her. 

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