Chapter one

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I woke to the sound of my alarm ringing loudly. I squinted my eyes and I forced them to look at the time. 6:05am. I rolled onto my back and gave out a loud sigh. I couldn't figure out if I was looking forward to going back to school or not. After I showered and was dressed I looked in the mirror applying a little bit of make up to try and hide the cut on my lip. I decided to wear a white tank top, dark blue skinny jeans, my white converse boots and I threw on baggy grey off the shoulder jumper over the top. My hair was left down as the loose curls hung down my back. I took a deep breath. 

"Elise breakfast is ready honey!" Mum shouted. 

"Coming," I replied as I ran down the stairs into the kitchen. Mum was sitting up the breakfast bar with my brother Scott. Scott was a year older than me, he was tall and had dark hair. We got on really well, we were more like best friends than brother and sister. 

"Hey worm, what happened to your lip?" Scott asked as he glared at my face. 

I looked at him puzzled until I remembered the cut, "oh that erm, I walked into the car door. Stupid I know," I lied. 

"Looks nasty," he said not convinced. 

"Right well enough about that you going to give me a lift to school or not?" I asked changing the conversation. 

"Yeah come on, I said I'd pick Chad up on the way as his car is in the garage." 

I rolled my eyes as I grabbed some toast from the side, "bye mum," I mumbled. 

"Have fun at school you two, love you both."

Once we were in the car Scott stared at me almost like he was inspecting my appearance. 

"What you doing creep?" I laughed. 

"What really happened to your lip?" He asked worried. 

"I told you, I walked into Blaine's car door. It was an accident," I lied again. 

Scott sighed and began to drive. As we pulled up at Chad's house he was just walking out. Chad was tall, with a muscular body. He had short brown hair, with piercing blue eyes. His smile was infectious, he had such a great personality. Scott and Chad have been friends for as long as I can remember, he basically lived at our house.  

"Hey man," Chad greeted Scott as he slid into the front seat. He turned and smiled his perfect smile as he looked at me. 

"Morning beautiful," he winked. 

"Morning Chad," I laughed rolling my eyes. 

"What happened to you?" he asked staring at my lip. 

"Oh, nothing just walked into Blaine's car door," I lied again trying to sound convincing.  

Chad sat looking at me for a few minutes before Scott punched him in the leg. 

"Dude stop perving on my sister!" He shouted. 

Chad began to laugh and started to fiddle with the CD player.

After what felt like a long journey listening to Scott and Chad reminiscing about the amount of girls they had pulled over the summer, we finally reached the car park at school and I was glad to get out. Jesse, Aubrey and Bria walked over. 

"Hey girl!" Aubrey screeched. 

"Hey," I replied. 

Bria pulled me into a hug, giving me a squeeze making me jump in agony as my bruised ribs began to ache. 

"You ok?" Bria asked. 

"Yeah I'm fine, just got a sore side from sleeping funny," Aubrey rolled her eyes and started to shake her head. 

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