Chapter Fifteen

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I couldn't sleep the heat from Chad’s body made me too hot. I just found myself watching him sleep. I smiled at the thought of being so intimate with him. He made me feel so good, Blaine never made me feel like that it was always about him. I ran my fingers across his chest as I watched his bruised ribs rise up and down.  

"That tickles," Chad whispered with his eyes still shut. 

My heart jumped as I heard his sleepy voice. 

"Sorry I didn't mean to wake you," I smiled. 

"Don't worry my dream weren't that good anyway," he smirked turning on his side to face me. "Why are you awake anyways?" 

"I couldn't sleep," I yawned cuddling up into his warm side. 

"Nawwww poor you, why can't you sleep?" He laughed pulling me closer. 

His hand tickled up and down my spine slowly. 

"My brain is doing over time. I'm still shocked about Blaine," I sighed. 

Chad's body stiffened as I mentioned his name. 

"Forget about him Lis, he won't hurt you again," Chad said as he lifted my head. "I am going to try my best to keep that animal away from you!" 

"It's not that easy Chad, Blaine won't give up. I'm-I'm scared incase you get hurt," I choked, tears pricked my eyes. 

"Lis he won't hurt me, these bruises are nothing I've had worse than this. I would die to save you!" He smiled placing a soft kiss on my nose. "I love you Lis." 

My face blushed as he said those words, "I love you too Chad and that's why I don't want you hurt. Promise me you will stay away from Blaine too!" I begged. 

"I promise. Now go to sleep," he laughed wrapping his arms tightly around me.

"You what?!" Scott shouted banging his fist against the table. 

"Calm down will you!" Chad warned as he sat next to him, placing his hand on Scott's shoulder. 

"I can't Chad, I'm fuming. How dare he touch Lis or you in that matter!" 

"Mate I don't care that he hit me, you just need to stay calm for Lis," he said sternly. 

I stood stiffly leaning against the kitchen doorframe as I watched Chad tell Scott what had happened. Listening to it all brought back memories of me lying on the floor begging 'him' to stop as he continuously kicked me in the stomach. 

"Hey," Scott chirped startling me. 

"Oh, hey morning," I stuttered walking into the kitchen. 

"You ok beautiful?" Chad asked jumping up from his seat. 

"Yeah I'm fine, what about you how's the ribs?" I looked concerned. 

"Their ok, I'll be fine." 

We sat in silence for a couple of minutes, I could tell that Scott was feeling angry as he played with the table cloth. 

"What you up to today?" Chad asked Scott. 

"Nothing really mate Bria wants to come over for abit," he smiled wagging his eyebrows. 

"What a pig," I scoffed sarcastically. 

"I can't help that she finds me irresistible can I?" 

We all laughed as Scott went on about how Bria can't stay away from him, even though he is just as bad but just won't admit it. My phone buzzed with a message.  

My eyes widened as I read it slowly.

To: Elise 

From: Blaine

Doll, you looked beautiful last night.  

I can't get you out of my head, I need to see you! 

The thought of that dick touching you is killing me!!! 

I love you!!

I quickly put my phone down, shaking my head at the cheek of him. How could he say all of that he is crazy! 

"You ok?" Chad whispered grabbing my hand. "You're shaking." 

I sat oblivious to what Chad was saying, my mind still on Blaine. Will he ever just leave me? Maybe I should meet him alone make him see that we're no good for each other. 

"Elise, what's wrong?" Chad asked concerned. 

"S-sorry I erm....I'm not feeling too good. I think I'm going to have a lie down," I lied. 

"I'll come with you," he said immediately standing up with me. 

"No please stay with Scott, I will be fine just need a little nap. Don't worry," I smiled kissing him softly on his plumped lips. 

"Are you sure? Shout me if you want anything," he smiled. 

I nodded and walked up to my room. Once I shut the door I paced he floor holding onto my phone. If I text him asking him to meet me somewhere public, surely that will be safe. What can he do in public? I will just tell him that I've moved on and that I'm really happy, if he loves me like he says he does then surely he will just walk away. I quickly typed a reply.

To: Blaine 

From: Elise

Ok, I will meet with you.  

Meet me at Costa cafe at 3.

My finger hovered over send before pressing it. My heart raced, was I doing the right thing? I couldn't tell anyone not even Aubrey as I knew she would just go running to Chad. I couldn't afford risking it and Chad getting hurt, it was better this way. My phone buzzed instantly.

To: Elise 

From: Blaine

I can't wait doll, I look forward to seeing you :-) xx

I sat nervously on my bed for nearly an hour practicing what I was going to say to Blaine. It was almost 2:45, I quickly headed downstairs. 

"Hey you're up, how you feeling?" Chad appeared behind me as I reached the front door. 

"Hey you're still here?" I asked surprised. 

"Of course I am," he laughed. "Where you going?"  

"Oh, I-I I'm just nipping to Aubrey's she's having a crisis with Jesse. I shouldn't be too long," I smiled. 

"I'll drive you over," Chad said grabbing his keys. 

"NO! No thank you I'm going to drive," I panicked. "Just chill with Scott, we don't want him feeling pushed out do we." 

"True, just be careful babe. I don't want Blaine getting anywhere near you again," he whispered pulling me into his arms. 

I felt awful, why am I such a bad person. I didn't want to lie to Chad but it was for the best. Just telling Chad that Blaine had texted me would have just made him mad and could have got him hurt. 

"I won't be long, then we can spend some time together, ok?" I smiled kissing him. 


My hands shook as I walked towards the car. It was now 2:56 Blaine always hated when I was late it made him mad. I pulled up outside Costa cafe. My hands shook uncontrollably as my fingers fumbled with the keys as I tried to lock the door. Come on Lis you can do this, what's the worse that can happen? We're in public, I can just shout for help if I need to. I took a deep breath as I pushed the door open. The smell of freshly ground coffee filled my nose. The lights were dim and loud mumbles came from the filled tables as people whispered their problems to each other. My eyes quickly scanned the room.  

There in the far corner 'he' sat with his back to me. As I drew nearer to him my footsteps seemed to feel heavier. My heart echoed in my ears as I reached the table.

"Hi doll," his voice rang.

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