Chapter Nine

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Elise's POV

My eyes stung as they squinted open. I looked around the bright white room, not sure where I was. I started to panic. My head felt like it had been hit by a tonne of bricks as I tried to lift it up. Pain shot through my head causing me to scream out. The door in the far corner swung open and a familiar lady walked in smiling. 

"Hi Elise, It’s me Dr Lawson. Please try to keep still," she said friendly as she checked machines next to me. 

"Where am I?" I asked confused. 

"Your in hospital hunny," she put her hand on my arm. "Everyone has been very worried about you, they are all here waiting to see you." 

I started to blush with embarrassment. I should never have put my family through this. A tear escaped my eye.  

"Oh hunny, don't get upset. We are all glad you’re ok," she sat on the bed next to me.  

I have always liked Miss Lawson, my mum and her became friends after dad died. That is how Scott and Chad became best friends. 

"I have made such a mess of things, I'm so stupid," I cried. 

"Don't be silly hunny, we all make mistakes when were vulnerable. Hell the things I did when Chad’s dad left me were stupid but I was in a bad place back then," she took hold of my hand squeezing it gently. "Like I said, we are all glad your ok. You know where I am if you ever need to talk," she gave me a smile as she stood to her feet.” I will ask the doctor to send your family in." 

"Thank you Miss Lawson," I shouted as she reached the door. 

She turned and smiled, "its Nancie hunny, you know that." 

She was beautiful with short blonde hair. Chad defiantly got his good looks from her. 

My thoughts were disturbed when Scott burst through the door. He ran towards me and wrapped his arms tightly around my weak body, causing me to jump with pain from my bruised ribs. My mum followed as she cried into her tissue. She gave me a pathetic smile and pulled me into a hug. 

"Don't you dare do anything like this again," she cried into my ear. 

A tear slowly slid down my face. 

"I'm so sorry mum, I really am," I whispered as she pulled away wiping my tears. 

"I thought I had lost you baby," she smiled kissing me on the head. 

My mum sat on the chair next to the bed not letting go of my hand. 

"Would you like anything from home hunny? I'm sure Aubrey wouldn't mind nipping back to get you a few bits," she asked. 

I nodded, "please, just some clothes and that. Oh and could you tell her to bring my phone please?" My mum smiled. 

"Why did you do this?" Scott asked as he sat on the bottom of the bed. I stared at him surprised by the question. 

"I-I just couldn't take any more, I felt so alone," I sobbed looking down. 

"That's crazy, why would you think that? We are all here for, mum, Aub, Bri and Chad," Scott paused looking carefully at my swollen face. "Who did is to you Lis?" He pointed at my face. 

His dark eyes pierced into mine, "it doesn't matter who," I replied watching my fingers as they fiddled with the blanket. 

Scott stood to his feet, "what the hell Lis, of course it matters who!" He ran his fingers through his short hair as he paced up and down the room. "It was Blaine, wasn't it?" He shouted. 

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