Chapter Nineteen

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"Hello doll!"......  

He reached his hand out towards me, "don't be scared, it's only me." 

My body stiffened as his cold empty eyes glared into mine sending a shiver down my spine. This is it, he is going to kill me! A loud scream escaped my lips as I closed my eyes tightly.

"Elise open you're eyes!" A muffled but familiar voice shouted. 

Strong hands grasped at my upper arms causing me to thrash around violently. 

"Lis. It's me," a voice whispered in my ear. "It's Chad." 

A tear ran down my cheek as I squinted my eyes open, there he hovered above me. His face was full of concern. Sweat covered me, my body went limb in his arms. 

"It's 'him'. He's coming for me!" I screamed. "I was in a dark room, he was there!" 

"Who is coming for you? Elise you're not making sense," he croaked, pulling me in to his chest. 

His arms wrapped around my cold body. 

"Blaine.....he's coming for me Chad. I just know it," I sobbed into his chest. 

"Lis I promise you now he will not hurt you. I won't let him. I promise," he assured me. 

I broke down in his arms as the tears rolled down my cheeks. I can't even close my eyes without him being there.  

Chad and I stayed up mainly because I couldn't close my eyes without seeing his aggressive face coming towards me. I had missed Chad so much, he always had a way of making me feel better. He is almost too good to be true, how did he end up being mine.

The buzzing of my phone caused me to jump out of my sleep. I looked around rubbing my eyes, Chad laid still asleep next to me with his arms tightly wrapped around my waist. As I grabbed my phone my eyes squinted from the bright light. It was a message from Aubrey.

To: Elise 

From: Aubrey

I'm coming round today, I want the goss 

on you and Chad!! So glad you guys made it up!! 

See you soon xxx

I sighed loudly as I looked at the time. 7:02am. I threw my phone on the side and flopped back down on the bed. 

"Who the hell texts at this time of the morning?" Chad mumbled as he pushed his head into the crook of my neck. 

"Aubrey does that's who," I laughed. "She wants to come over and find out the goss about me and you." 

"Oh does she now. So what's the goss? You couldn't bare living without me and once you got me alone last night you ripped my clothes off because you couldn't keep you're hands off me," he chuckled. "What can I say....I'm hot stuff baby." 

"That's exactly what I'm going to say," I burst of laughing holding my stomach. "You forgot something though...” 

"Oh have I...and what's that?" He smiled. 

"That I weren't that impressed once I ripped you're clothes off," I smirked. 

"Oh... is that right is it?" He started to tickle my sides causing me to cry out with laughter. 

"Please Chad stop it!" I begged. 

"Not until you're sorry that I'm the best and you love me," he demanded as he continued to tickle my side, pinning me down onto the bed. 

"'re the best and I love you!" I giggled. 

"I'm sorry I didn't hear that," he laughed. 

"Chad I'm're the best and I love you!" I shrieked. 

He climbed off me spanking my bottom as he stood in just his blue boxers. My mouth watered as I looked at his nicely toned body. I raked my eyes up his chest meeting his bright eyes. He started to smile. 

"You see something you like?" He purred. "Well it's tough." 

He smacked his bottom and started to walk towards the door.  

"Now go and make me some breakfast woman!" He demanded as he walked out of the door heading to the bathroom.

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