Chapter Twenty Six

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‘Get the fuck up before I blow your fucking brains out!’ he screamed at me.

My heart began to pound as I raised my hands up to show I didn’t want any trouble. I can’t believe it, he has really lost the plot this time. What the fuck am I going to do?

‘Calm down Blaine, I don’t think a gun is needed,’ I said trying to talk him round. He continued to grip the gun tightly, his hands shaking a little as it was obviously his first time pointing a gun.

‘Shut the fuck up and get over there!’ Blaine shouted as he nodded his head to the other side of the room. I didn’t want to move away from Elise but he kept the gun pointing at me and I didn’t want to push him over the edge.

‘I’m glad you came though,’ he smiled. ‘This has worked out quite well. Once I’ve blew your brains out in front of that dirty whore, she will then realize being with me is the best thing for her!’ he nodded as if he was reassuring himself rather than us.

‘In your fucking dreams!’ Elise screamed from the chair she was tied to.

My eyes shot at him as Blaine stormed towards her. In one swift movement he swung the gun across her head causing her head to swing back from the force. Her head then suddenly dropped forwards as she sat unconscious from the harsh blow.

My heart crashed out of my chest as I watched him assault her like that. Before I could think I ran over to him and pushed him to the floor. I lay looking up shocked from my sudden outburst. I crouched down over him tugging at his collar. Within a split second I began to crash my tightly clenched first into his face. A loud crack came from his nose with blood flowing out of it. He began to laugh as the blood ran into his mouth.

‘Is that all you’ve got?’ he throw his head back letting out a loud laugh. Anger bubbled up inside me listening to him.

I threw head forward letting it smack into his, he let out a small yelp as his eyes began to roll. I let go of his t-shirt and stood to my feet.

‘Come on get up you fucking coward!’ I shouted.

As he struggled to get up he wiped away the blood that was flowing out of his broken nose.

‘This is going to be easy,’ he smiled running towards me.

Using his shoulder he pushed into my stomach catching me offgaurd. We both crashed in the mirrored door behind me. Shards of glass flew through the air and bounced as they hit the floor. The door swung off the hinges causing us to fall to the floor. We both let out a groan from the pain. As I tried to move my back ached.

‘Shit,’ I cursed under my breath.

Blaine quickly stood to his feet. He slammed his foot into my ribs as I lay in pain on the floor. He continued to do so a number of times with a number of blows in between. He scrambled over to where the gun was on the floor as being knocked out of his hand. He slowly paced towards me with a smug grin on his bloodstained face as he stood at my feet towering over me. He pointed the gun towards me and looked coldly into my eyes.

‘It’s about time this ends!’ he whispered.

An ear piercing screech echoed throughout the room as he pulled the trigger back. His body jolted back from the force as the bullet left the neck of the gun. He dropped to the floor and clutched his leg.

I felt a sudden shot of coldness as the bullet pierced through my chest. The excruciating pain as it ripped through my flesh stung. My eyes shut tightly as my body seemed to be paralyzed. I could feel the warm blood seep through the hole that had been made by the hard metal bullet.

‘NO!’ I heard Elise scream faintly. Why was she so far away? I could feel my body feel weak and my head started to spin as it felt lighter. A soft touch rested on my cheek.

‘Chad,’ I heard her cry. ‘Chad please baby, wake up.’

My breathing began to get shallow as my chest got tighter. What was happening to me?

As I took my last breath everything went…………

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