Chapter Twenty Two

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Chad's POV

I couldn’t help but watch Elise as her perfectly shaped body swayed from side to side in that tight black cat suit. Her hair moved slowly around her beautifully shaped face. 

"Hello, earth to Chad," Scott shouted waving his hand in front of my face causing me to jump out of my trance. 

"Sorry man, what were you saying?" I asked him confused. 

"I was saying about having an after party in mine, you up for it?" 

"Yeah of course I'm up for it!" I laughed picking up my bottle of beer. 

Jesse walked over with a smug grin on his face, "ay Chad I see someone else is dressed in the same costume as you." 

Jesse and Scott high fived each other and then started to make fun that I had a twin here tonight. Don't get me wrong I was kind of pissed that someone had the same outfit on as me but at the end of the day I knew they couldn't pull it off as well as me.

As I looked back over to the dance floor I noticed that Elise was not there. I quickly headed over to where Aubrey and Bria were having some kind of a dance off with some lads. 

"Hey Aub where's Lis?" I shouted over the music. 

"She’s just nipped the toilet, oh yeah you did well with that bracelet Chad. She loves it," Aubrey smiled putting her arm around my shoulder. She started to guide me towards the tables in the far corner. 

"You really like her huh?" she said slurring her words after having one too many. 

"Yeah I suppose you could say that," I laughed helping her down onto a chair. 

"I think you two will get married you know. You're perfect for each other. I can see the way you guys look at each other, I’m so happy," a tear slid down her cheek. "After watching everything she went through with that crazy dick and then you two getting together not getting together, I'm happy to see that you both are finally in a good place right now! She's lucky to have you." 

"No Aub, I'm the lucky one!" I smiled slightly blushing. 

"Why can't Jesse be like you Chad? Like I mean I really like him and he just doesn't see it. I can’t do any more than what I'm doing now but its tiring chasing someone that can't really be arsed with you. Do you get me?" she whined as she began to wobble on the chair. 

I quickly glanced round to look for Bria so she could take this shit over, as I met her eyes I waved signaling for her to come over. Once she staggered over and plonked herself down next to Aubrey I stood to leave. 

"Go and have a dance with her Chad!" Aubrey sobbed into Bria's shoulder. As I walked toward the crowd on the dance floor I heard Aubrey going on about Jesse.

I walked towards the dance floor searching for Elise when I bumped into someone dressed as superwoman. 'Oh shit' I thought to myself as Chastity turned round. 

"Chad," she smiled leaning into me. 

"Chastity," I said sternly moving away from her. "Have you seen Elise?" 

"Jeez, why do you even bother with her Chad? She is playing you," she smirked putting her arms around my neck. 

"What you mean she's playing me?" I asked confused. 

"Chad can't you see she still loves Blaine!" she whispered as she started to close the gap between us. 

"What the fuck are you talking about? Get off me!" I shouted pushing her back away from me. 

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