Chapter Twenty Four

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Chad’s POV

We pulled up outside his house, quickly exchanging looks Scott nodded and we both jumped out the car. On the journey here we both decided we were just going to go in a punch fuck out of the dick. As we got further up the path I could hear music coming from in the house. What the fuck surely she's not sitting here listening to music with him. Scott began to pound on the door with his fist. A shadow flickered in the frosted glass of the door as it stumbled towards it. There he stood as he pulled the door open. A surprised look filled his face. Anger bubbled up inside me as his smug smile started to grow. My hands clutched the scuff of his top and I roughly pushed him into his house until his back forcefully hit the wall behind him. His eyes closed as he let out a slight yelp. 

"Where the fuck is she?" I growled in his face. 

"I don't know what you talking about," he lied. 

"God help me, if you don't answer the question right now I will fucking kill you!" I screamed slamming his body back against the wall causing his head to be thrown forward. His hissed through his teeth with the pain. 

"Stop messing around Blaine! Where's my fucking sister?" Scott shouted over my shoulder. 

"I don't know," he said smugly. "She left ages ago." 

My grip loosened as I stared at him confused. "What did you do to her?"  

"Nothing. We talked about us," he said pushing my arms off him and straightened his top. "We argued, kissed and well I will leave the rest for you to put together. After that she left." 

I watched his facial expression as he started to brag. All my muscles tightened and pushed forward to kick shit out of this dick. Scott's arms laced around my body as he struggled to hold me back. "Where the fuck is she?" I demanded. 

He pulled out a cigarette from out of his pocket and lit it. He took a long drag of it and blew out. "Like I said I don't know. Now if you don't mind I have company in there and I think I need to get back to her," he laughed looking nervous. 

I shot a glance at Scott and his eyes widened obviously thinking the same thing as me. I pushed Blaine out of the way and burst through the door leading into the living room. A blond laid naked sprawled out on the couch facing down.  

"Do you mind?" Blaine shouted behind me causing the girl to look up and smile. 

I stormed back out of the room and walked out of the house. Scott followed behind me as he muttered something to Blaine before he slammed the door shut.

As I reached the car I punched out at the door, pain spread throughout my hand as I continued to punch it. 

"Wow calm down mate we will find her," Scott called out grabbing at my arms. 

"He knows something man, I just know it. His smug face when I kept asking him, I'm really not convinced." I slumped against the car cradling my now bleeding hand. "I need to find her Scott!" 

"I know and we will. That prick will slip up we just need to watch out for abit, if we park a few houses down and watch his movement. He will slip up," he suggested patting my shoulder. 

"Man I hope your right," I replied rubbing the back of my neck as I reached out to open the door.

Minutes seemed to feel like hours. Scott's phone constantly rang, Aubrey wanted to know what was going on. His mum insisted we went home and left it to the police. Scott ordered Jesse to go over to his house to keep his mum calm but still she continued to ring. After an hour of just sitting I was feeling agitated, the girl had left the house not long after we left and no sign of anything else happened. I wound the window of the car down in the hope that the cold nights wind would calm me down. 

"I don't trust him Scott," I blurted out staring at his house. 

"I know mate but she wasn't there. We seen that ourselves," he explained looking at me. 

"No we didn't really. She could have been anywhere in that house, unconscious or even worse dead and we just walked out and left her!" I said shaking my head as tears began to well up. 

"Surely he's not that stupid," Scott said trying to convince himself. 

Flickering lights caught our attention from the window upstairs. 

"Did you just see that?" I asked knocking my hand into Scott's chest. 

"Yeah. What was it?" We both sat in silence our eyes not moving from that window. 

A loud crash filled the air followed by a piercing scream. My eyes flew to Scott's. "What the fuck? She's in there!" I shouted quickly unbuckling my seatbelt as my hands shook with anger. My foot kicked the door open and I began to run towards the house. My heart crashed against my chest and my fists tightened as I reached the door. Scott stopped beside me.  

I slammed my hand on the window, "Open the fucking door Blaine!"  

Familiar cries echoed throughout the house, I began to kick the door. Each kick was harder than the last, the door was loosening before it flew off the hinges. As I was about to run in Scott grabbed my arm to pull me back. 

"We need to be smart about this Chad," he whispered. 

I tried to listen to Scott but Elise's cries were too distracting, she sounding like she was in pain. I had to find her. 

"I've got find get her Scott," I said as I ran into the house.  

I ran into to the living room but it was empty. Empty bottles of beer were spread across the floor. A loud scream ripped through the silent air. I jumped to the sound of it and ran up the hall way. 

"Elise!" I screamed as I searched in another room.  

Scott came up behind me and whispered that he would go outside and ring the police to let them know she was he and that they needed to get here. He quietly rushed out with his phone to his ear. I continued through the house as I headed up the stairs. Elise's sobs got closer as I reached the top of the stairs. 

"Elise!" I called out.  

"Chad," she cried as if she was in pain. 

As I burst through the door there she sat on a chair with her hands tied around the arms with thick rope. Her face was stained with dry blood. Fresh blood oozed out of her newly open wounds. Her white top was died with deep red blood. As she looked up at me her eyes softened. 

"Chad," she sobbed. "Quickly get me out before he comes back." 

I slid on the floor and I pulled at the ropes that were tightly wrapped around her wrists. Her wrists began to bleed from the burn of the ropes rubbing on her skin. A loud bang came from the next room and footsteps headed towards us. Her body began to thrash about as she screamed for me to untie her. My hands shook as I loosened the rope. Her body almost froze and a scared wail escaped her lips as she looked behind me. I turned me head slowly and my eyes widened as I looked ahead.

There he stood pointing a gun at us with a rage look upon his face. 

"Get the fuck up before I blow your fucking brains out!"

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