Jealousy vs Anger

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Sam's POV
I didn't know what time it was but I was really tired. I looked over at Gabe and he was already fast asleep. He was still sitting up but he was asleep. I was really sleepy and as soon as I knew it, I was laying my head down on Gabe's lap. He didn't wake up. I fell asleep as soon as my head hit his lap.

(You're welcome. ^)

Dean's POV
It was 9:00 at night and Cas was already asleep. I look at him and then I get up to go check on Sam and Gabe.

I walk out of the room and go downstairs. Gabe is sitting up, asleep, and Sam has his head on Gabe's lap, asleep. I smile and then I put a blanket over Sam.

I smile one last time before going back upstairs to get some sleep myself. I set my alarm for 3:50 in the morning and go to sleep.

~3:50 in the morning~
I wake up to my alarm clock going off and I get up and get ready. Once I'm done getting ready, I kiss Cas' forehead, go downstairs, and write a note.

Gone to work, see you all tonight.
Love, Dean.

I leave it on the kitchen counter and I leave for work.

*5:00 a.m*
I arrived at work and everyone that worked there was there. I go in and clock in.

~8:00 in the morning~
Cas' POV
I woke up and Dean wasn't next to me. I freaked out for a minute and then I remembered that he had to start his new job. I relaxed and went downstairs. I saw Gabe and Sam still asleep. I smiled at the two of them and then went to the kitchen to make a cup of coffee. I saw a note. It read; Gone to work, I'll see you all tonight. Love, Dean.

I smiled at the note and drank my coffee in silence. I heard someone come into the kitchen. It was Gabe.

"Hey Gabe, how did you sleep?" I ask with a smile.

"My neck hurts really bad."

"How did you get up without waking Sam up?"

"I just carefully got up. Where's Dean?"

"He's at work. He left a note, he'll see us tonight."

"Are you going to visit him at work?"

"Yup. I think I'm going to get lunch with him."

"That's nice."

"Yeah, what are you going to do today?"

"I don't know. I'll try and stop Sam from attacking Harry."

"Good luck."

"Thanks, I'll need it. Hey, how are you holding up?"

"I'm all better. I'm fine, Gabe. Ok?"


"You want some coffee?"

"Sure, I'll have a cup."

"Ok, I'll make it for you."

"Oh you don't have to do that, I'll get it."

"No, it's fine. I'll make it for you."

"Thanks Cas."

"No problem, little bro."

"Cas, I'm 20. I'm not really your little brother anymore."

"You're younger than me and you're also shorter than me, therefore, you're my little brother." I chuckled.

"Cas, stop making fun of my height. I'm sorry I'm not 6 ft tall, Mr. Blue Giant." He sasses.

"Grow a little and I will, well, maybe not." I sass back and laugh.

"Whatever." He sasses.

I start making his coffee and we just talk about our plans for today.

Gabe's POV
Cas hands me my coffee and I thank him before taking it. We sit in silence and drink our coffees.

"Hey Gabe, do you mind if I borrow your car?"

"No, go ahead. Just be safe, ok?"

"Ok, I will. Thanks, Gabe."

"No problem, bro."

We finish our coffees and I go back into the living room to check on Sam. He's still asleep. I walk upstairs and go into my room. Harry is playing on his phone.

"Hey Gabe."

"Hey Harry, sorry I didn't tell you when I got back home. I was really tired last night."

"It's alright."


He nodded and I then I started getting ready for the day.

Cas' POV
What to wear, what to wear? I take out a pair of jeans, a white button down shirt, and converse. I get ready and when I'm done getting ready I grab my trench coat and leave. I drive around and look for an auto repair shop with a 1967 Black Chevy Impala parked in the parking lot of it. After a while of searching for it, I finally find it. I park the car, get out, lock it, and go inside.

"Hello sir, my name is Jessica. What can we do for you today?"

"I was wondering if I could see Dean Winchester?"

"Yes. He's actually just fixing up a car right now. I'll take you to him."

"Ok thank you, Jessica."

She smiled and she showed me the way to Dean.

"Dean Winchester?" The lady said.

Dean turned around and he smiled at me.

"Cas! Hey! What are you doing here?"

"I just though I'd surprise you at work. Hey, when's your lunch break?"

"It's not for another two hours but if you wanna hang out here with me, I'm sure that fine."

I looked at Jessica.

"Is it?"

"Yeah that's fine." She smiled before walking back inside.

I walk over to Dean and give him a kiss.

"Hey babe, it's nice that you wanted to surprise me at work."

"Well, what are boyfriends for?"

He laughed and kissed me. Then he got back to work on the car he was fixing. It was a red Maserati.

"Cas, can you hand me a wrench."

"Which one is that?"

"It's the long silver thing with an open top."


I looked around for it and I found it. I handed it to him. He handed me another tool and I put it back in the toolbox.

"By the way Cas, you look really sexy in that trench coat."

"Thanks Dean and you look really sexy fixing that car."

"Cas, stop it."

"You're the one that started it."

"The things I would do to you if we could do it right now."

"Actually, you would be bottom and I would be top. Hence you're under a car."

"Nice comeback."

"I'd come all over you."

He rolled out from the bottom of the car. He got up and walked over to me.

"You're so in trouble now, Cas. You're gonna get it from me once Gabe and Harry leaves to go back to school."

"Bring it!" I sassed.

I smiled happily and I kissed him one more time. He kissed me back before going back to fixing the car.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant