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A/N: So, Abbey and Dylan had a kid nine months later. They had a boy and they named him Crowley. Jared, Jensen, and Misha of course all came down to see Abbey and Dylan. They all congratulated them on the baby. Jared, Jensen, and Misha all got to hold the baby and they all adored the baby boy.

Sam and Gabe came as well and they held the baby as well. Cas and Dean became grandfather but they were hot grandfathers. They brought the baby home and Ruby (their dog) absolutely adored the baby boy as well.

Whenever the baby took a nap Ruby would always sit by his crib and watch over him so that she could make sure he was ok.

Dylan and Abbey thought it was absolutely adorable that Ruby loved Crowley so much.

Whenever the baby would cry Ruby would always lick his tears away and that would always make Crowley laugh. Then, when he would take naps as he got older, he would always rest his head on Ruby's back and she would never mind it.

It was absolutely so adorable.

Sadly only when Crowley was 4 years old Ruby passed away. Abbey and Dylan were both torn to bits. Ruby was everyone's world.

Abbey never got over the death of Ruby and still cried every single night. Dylan would try to calm her down but it didn't really work.

1 year later Jensen and his wife had a son and they named their son Mark.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant