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A/N: This chapter will have twists and turns and unexpected events. So I suggest you hold on tightly to the handle because you're about to go on a roller coaster ride. Enjoy the ride!

Abbey's POV
The next day we woke up and it was 6:00 in the morning. Ruby let me take a shower first. I got out, dried myself, and got dressed. I brushed my teeth and got out of the bathroom. It us an hour for all of us to get ready. I was the quickest one in the shower.

Some girls took like 10 minutes in the shower. Like, what the heck?

Once we were all ready we walked outside to the breakfast lounge and we eat breakfast. I had eggs, bacon, and apple juice. It reminded me of home because Cas would always make that breakfast for me. It made me feel a bit better. I missed my dads a lot. I wonder what Cas was doing right now. Probably sleeping maybe.

Cas' POV
It was 6:00 in the morning and I already found a hunt. This time it was a vampire nest and the location wasn't far at all. Is was only about an hour away. I went upstairs, got ready, and then left for the hunt.

Abbey's POV
I texted Dean a good morning text and he texted me back good morning as well. I looked around and I saw Dylan. He was just eating his breakfast as well. I saw Ruby and Jake laughing and play fighting with each other.

I remembered the events that happened between Dylan and I last night. He said that we were broken up. That it was over.

I looked somewhere else and my eyes landed on James. He was an inch taller than Dylan and he had brown hair with dark blue eyes.

He was talking to his friend but, I don't know, I started getting this weird feeling. I didn't know what it was but it was some type of feeling and I didn't like it.

I shook off the feeling and then continued to eat my breakfast.

Once everyone was done eating their breakfast we got on the bus again and the teacher told us that we were going to a science museum.

Dylan sat next to me because it was the only seat left.

"Hey, Abbey." He said flatly.

"Hi." I said flatly as well.

After that we didn't talk for the rest of the ride to the museum. A little bit after the bus started, I started to get that feeling from earlier again.

Once we arrived at the museum we got off the bus and while we were getting off the bus, that feeling from earlier returned once again.

I have to find that guy. It seems to come once he's close to me or I'm looking at him. I have to find him.

We followed the teacher inside the museum and everyone split up to see whatever they wanted to see.

I looked around for James. I needed to know what this feeling was. Someone came up behind me and it was Dylan.

"Hey, Abbey. Listen, I really need to talk to you." He said sincerely.

"Ok, but can it wait? There's someone I have to find first?" I said.

"Can I help you find whoever it is you're looking for?" He asked me nicely.

"Sorry, but I have to find him on my own." I said apologetically.

"It's fine." He said understandingly.

"Well, talk to you later. Bye." I said before walking off.

"Bye." I heard him say as I walked off.

My eyes found him and I walked over to him. He was by the tornado display and he was alone.

I went up to him and muttered Christo and he turned around.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant