Ring shopping

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(At home)
Dean's POV
I entered the house and Cas was asleep on a chair in the living room. I smiled to myself and walked over to him. I looked down at him and picked him up bridal style.

His eyes fluttered open.

"Dean?" He said sleepily.

"Shh, Cas. Go back to sleep, baby."

He nodded and fell back asleep. I opened the bedroom door and laid him down on the bed. I took off his shoes and put a blanket over him.

I started getting ready for bed as well. When I was I set my alarm clock and then got into bed. I wrapped my arms around Cas and cuddled with him. I looked at him and smiled.

He's going to be my husband soon. We've been through a lot and I can't believe I'm going to marry him soon. He's amazing. He's sweet, handsome, and he's respectful. I love him so much.

(4:00 A.M)
I shut off my alarm and start getting ready. Once I'm done I give Cas a kiss on the forehead and then head downstairs. I write a note; Dear Cas, gone to work. I'll be home late again, don't wait up for me. I love you. Sincerely, Dean.

I then head out of the house and drive to work.

(8:30 A.M)
Cas' POV
I wake up and go downstairs. When I went into the kitchen I saw a note on the counter. It read; Dear Cas, gone to work. I'll be home late again, don't wait up for me. I love you. Sincerely, Dean.

I smiled at the note and then made myself a cup of coffee. I sighed as I waited for my coffee to be ready. I started thinking about everything I needed to do. I needed to clean the house, go on a hunt, go see Charlie, and make dinner. Busy day.

Dean's POV
I was working on a red Jeep when my boss came out an said, "Mr.Winchester, you have a visitor."

"Ok, send him out here."

"Alright, Mr.Winchester."

My boss went back into the store and I slid out from under the Jeep. I wiped my hands and the sweat from my face. I grabbed my water bottle and took a sip.

My boss came out with a man. It was Uriel.

"Uriel, what are you doing here?"

My boss walked back inside.

"Dean, I need to talk to you. Something came up. When's your lunch break?"

"It's at 2. Why, what came up?"

"My husband is taking me out to dinner to ugh and I was wondering if we could go during your lunch break."

"Yeah, that's fine. I just have to make sure Cas isn't meeting me for lunch first. Because, if he comes here and I'm not here, maybe he'll start getting the wrong idea."

"Of course, Dean. Well, I'll let you check up on that and then you can call me back. Here's my number."

"Thank you, Uriel."

"You're welcome, Dean. I have to go now, but, just call me. Ok?"

"Ok, bye."


With that he left and I called up Cas.

"Hello?" Cas said on the phone.

"Hey babe, I was just wondering if you were going to meet me for lunch?"

"Sorry but I can't today. I have a lot to do today. Sorry, Dean."

"It's ok, babe. Are you going on another hunt?"


"Well, just be careful babe. I love you and I don't want you to get hurt."

"I'll be careful, I promise."

"Alright babe, I love you. Bye."

"Bye. I love you, too."

I hung up and then called Uriel.

"Hello?" He answered in his deep voice.

"Hi Uriel. Cas isn't meeting me for lunch, so, yes we can do that on my lunch break."

"Alright, sounds great."

"Hey Uriel?"

"Yes Dean?"

"When I came over to your apartment yesterday, why did you ask me how Cas was doing? Don't you talk to him?"

"That's a story for another time. I'll tell you the next time you come over to my apartment. Deal?"


"You haven't told Castiel that you've met me, have you?"

"No sir. But should I?"

"No. Again, I'll tell you all that stuff the next time you come over to my apartment."

"Ok Uriel, bye."

"Bye, Dean."

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant