Ice cream

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Dean's POV
After we left my old house we went to go get ice cream. Cas and I were ordering right now. Cas was getting a cup of regular vanilla ice cream. I was getting an Oreo shake.

I was about to pay but Cas beat me to it.

I thanked him and we waited for our ice cream to be ready.

I looked around the ice cream parlor and there wasn't many people in here. Our order was ready and we picked it up. Then, we left the parlor and ate the ice cream in the car.

"This has been the best day ever, Dean. Thank you." Cas said.

"You're welcome, Cas. I love you."

"I love you, too Dean." He smiled at me.

I smiled him back and pulled him into a kiss. We kissed passionately and then we pulled away.

Dylan's POV
"Hey, what do you want for lunch?" Abbey asked me.

"Do you want to order a pizza?" I suggested.

"Yeah, sure." She said.

She got up from the couch and went into the kitchen.

I couldn't believe we were finally together. This is the best day ever! What's even more surprising is that she likes me back. I thought she didn't like me but I was very wrong.

She came back into the room after a few minutes.

"The pizza will be here in 25 minutes." She said making her way back to the couch.

I nodded and we sat in silence. We watch Supernatural until the pizza came. I payed for the pizza.

"Thanks Dylan." Abbey said.

"You're welcome, Abbey." I smiled her.

Dean's POV
After we finished our ice cream we went back to the beach. We got out of the car and found out spot again that we had before we left. Our stuff was still there. We walked over to our spot and sat down on the towels.

We entwined our hands and looked out at the ocean. I pulled my head back and closed my eyes. I could here the crashing of the waves and it was really relaxing.

Dylan's POV
After we ate we just kissed.

Man, I was really bad at this relationship thing wasn't I? All we do is just kiss. We don't even talk. We just kiss.

(6:30 p.m)
Dean's POV
Everyone had gone home from the beach. Cas and I were the only ones on the beach now. We're currently watching the sunset. It was really beautiful.

Our hands were entwined and my heart was fluttering. Cas extended his wings and wrapped them around me. I rested my head on his shoulder and we just watched the sunset in peaceful silence.

Once we finished watching the sunset we kissed each other passionately. We pulled away after 5 minutes and Cas thanked me for today.

"You're welcome, Cas. I love you." I said.

"I love you, too Dean." He said.

We stood up, grabbed all our stuff, put it in the trunk, and then we left. We drove around for 2 hours, we talked for those two hours.

We got home and Cas unlocked the door. We went inside and we saw Abbey and Dylan sleeping together on the couch.

We exchanged a look and smiled at the two of them. We headed upstairs and went to bed ourselves. Cas wrapped his wings around me and we fell asleep together.

{3:00 a.m}
I woke up and started getting ready for work. I got in the shower, got dressed, brushed my teeth, and did my hair. Once I was done getting for work it was 4:00 a.m. I walked downstairs and made myself a cup of coffee. After I finished my coffee I wrote a note before leaving the house.

I arrive at work at 5:00 a.m. I clocked in and started getting to work on the cars outside.

{12:30 in the afternoon}
I've gotten a few cars today and I've fixed them all. It's 12:30 and I'm about to go to lunch. As I'm leaving, someone comes into the shop. I look at the person and it's Lisa.

I look at her in shock and she does the same.

"Dean?" She asked.

"Lisa?" I ask.

We nod and I ask her what she needs.

"Well, my car got ruined in a car crash a few days ago and I need someone to fix my car." She said.

"Well, I was about to go on my lunch break but I guess I can fix your car for you before I go." I offered her.

"Oh, I'm really sorry. It's ok. Go to lunch, I'm sure someone else can take care of it." She said.

"Are you sure?" I asked.

"Yeah, it's fine." She nodded.

"Hey, do you want to have lunch with me? I'm not meaning anyone for lunch." I offered.

"Sure." She smiled.

I smiled as well. Then I told my boss I was going to lunch. He said ok and we headed out of the building.

We got in the Impala and we headed to the diner. When we got to the diner we both got out of the car and went inside.

We got a table and we sat down.

"Thank you for inviting me to lunch, Dean." She said with a small smile.

"You're welcome, Lisa. So, how have you been?" I asked her nicely.

"Great." She forced a smile and looked down.

"What's wrong, Lisa?" I asked her because she clearly wasn't great.

She looked up with sadness in her eyes.

"My husband and I got divorced 2 years ago" She started sounding as if she was about to cry.

"We fought a lot and one day he just said that he wanted a divorce. The last thing he said to me before we got divorced was that it was my fault that we couldn't have children. I did get pregnant one time but then I had a miscarriage. We kept trying after that but I never worked. After the miscarriage, he always blamed me for it. Then, he couldn't take it anymore, and told me that he wanted a divorce." She said crying.

I got up and hugged her. She hugged me back, crying into my shoulder.

"It still hurts whenever I think about, Dean." She cried into my shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, Lisa." I said to her.

I hugged until she stopped crying and then I sat back down. We ordered and we ate our lunch. I had a cheeseburger and she had a Cesar salad.

I honestly did feel bad for her. Even if she did do something wrong to me back in high school, she didn't deserve this. She's only a person and people deserve to be forgiven. She deserves someone who appreciates her and loves her.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant