Lunch & Arguments

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Dean's POV
It was my lunch break so Cas and I got in our cars and went to the diner for lunch.

"I'm tired already and I still have 4 more hours of work."

"Hahaha. Well, at least you get to do what you love."

I looked at Cas curiously. He laughed.

"What?" He said.

"You don't love what you do? You save people's lives." I whispered.

"Dean, it's not that I don't love it. It's just, some people die and I just don't like that feeling. Knowing that I didn't save them when I tried so hard to save everyone."

"Babe, I'm so sorry you feel that way."

"It's ok, because you know what, at least I have you and Gabe to come home to every day."

We smiled at each other.

"I love you."

"I love you, too."

We smiled at each other again and then the waiter came to our table.

"Hello, my name is Diana, I will be your server for today. What would you like to have to drink?"

"I'll have a water with lemon, please." Cas said.

"I'll have a Pepsi, please."

She wrote the order down and said, "Your drinks will be with you in a few minutes." Then, she walked off.

Gabe's POV
Sam, Harry, and I were all having pizza for lunch. Sam hadn't really been insulting or torturing Harry, so that's good.

Harry looked a little uncomfortable sitting next to Sam.

"Can you switch seats with me, Sam?"

He didn't say anything or even nod, he just got up and moved to where I was sitting. When I sat down next to Harry, I felt him relax again.

Harry leaned into my ear and whispered "Gabe, he's kind of scaring me."

I laughed a little and so did Harry. I saw Sam glare at us.

"Don't worry about him, Harry. He won't hurt you." I whispered back.

He nodded and went back to eating his pizza and I did, too.

Once we finished eating, Harry went upstairs, and Sam and I were in the living room.

"Sam, can we talk outside?"

He looked at me, got up, and walked outside. I got up and went outside, closing the door behind me.

"How do you feel?"

"I feel fine."

"So, nothing hurts or anything?"

"No. I feel fine."


"What did you want to talk about, Gabriel?" He snapped at me.

"Woah! Calm down, Sam. Now, all I want to know is, why were attacking Harry the other night and why won't you talk to me?"

"We're talking right now, aren't we?" He snapped again.

"I meant like talk, talk."

"What the hell are we supposed to talk about? Huh? Because every time I see you, I just keep remember that time you cheated on me with your friend in there. Now you know the reason I was attacking your friend in there the other night. I'm still mad, Gabriel. What the hell am I supposed to do?" He snapped.

"Sam, you really need to get over that. I get you fucking hate me for cheating on you with him. At least I called you while I was away at school. You never fucking answered or returned any of my calls. Maybe if you would have called back or answered, maybe I wouldn't have felt so hurt or even cheated on you with him." I snapped at him.

Woah, woah, woah! Hold up! I fucking called you a few times as well but you never called me back, either."

"You barely called me, Sam. That was like one or two times. The reason I didn't answer when you called was because I was actually busy those times and I couldn't talk. I didn't call you back because it would've been too late to talk to you anyway."

"So, you don't think I was a good enough boyfriend or soulmate? Is that it? Was I not enough for you? Was I the reason why you cheated on me?"

"Maybe if I wasn't so busy at school all the time, maybe I would have called you back. But, what about you? You didn't have to go to college, you didn't have to study until late at night, you didn't have to have to stress of keeping up your grades. What were you doing those months I was at school?"

"I was trying to adjust to being back from the death."

"Well, was cheating on me with Amelia part of your plan to adjust being back? Was I not enough for you? Did you not love me anymore? Was it that she was a woman? What was it, Sam?"

"I don't know, Gabe. But you have to believe me when I say that I felt bad about when I slept with her."

"Did you feel bad when your were cheating on me with her? Did you feel bad then, Sam?"

"I don't know, Gabriel. Did you feel bad when you cheated on me with your friend in there?"

"We were drunk for fucking sakes! I didn't know what the hell I was doing or what the hell was happening. If I wasn't drunk, I would have pulled away. That's why when I was sober and woke up, I felt horrible after that. I never meant to cheat on you, Sam."

"I'm sorry, Gabriel."

"For what? The fact that you cheated on me or the fact that you accused me of cheating on you when I sober?"


"Well, how am I supposed to know that you're actually sorry for the first thing?"

"Because if I wasn't actually sorry, would I do this?"

"Do w-"

I was interrupted by Sam's lips on mine. I melted into the kiss and kissed him back.

When we pulled away I looked at him and smiled. I pulled him into another kiss and I kissed him passionately. It was a deep and meaningful kiss. We pulled away again.

"I'm sorry, Sam."

"I'm sorry, too Gabe. I love you."

"I love you, too Sam."

We both smiled and kissed passionately again.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant