Heartbreaks and make ups

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(The next morning)
Cas' POV
It was 8:30 when I woke up. I didn't see Dean next to me when I woke up. It was Saturday and he didn't work on Saturdays. Maybe he was downstairs. I get up and went upstairs. He wasn't there either. I looked outside to see if his car was outside but it wasn't. Huh? I wonder where he went. I made myself a cup of coffee. There wasn't a note or anything.

I sat down at the table and drank my coffee. I heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It was Gabe. He came into the kitchen and looked at me.

"Morning Gabe."

He looked at me and then just made himself a cup of coffee.

"Do you know where Dean is?"

"He left." He said bitterly.

"But, where did he go?"

"I don't know, Castiel." He said angrily.

He went upstairs and I just sat there wondering what the heck just happened. Why's he mad at me?

I called Dean but he didn't pick up. I went upstairs and started getting ready for the day. I saw that all Dean's things were gone. Ok, what the hell happened?

I called Dean again but he still didn't pick up. I started getting the feeling that Dean wasn't coming home for a long time.

I started to cry. I didn't know where Dean went or why he left. Did I do something? Why isn't he picking up my calls? I need to find Dean.

I put on some shoes and went downstairs. I grabbed my keys and started driving. I didn't know where he could be but all I knew was that I just needed to find him. Then, I remembered. He had an uncle that lived 3 hours away from here. I pray to God that he's there and not in an abandon building somewhere getting cut up.

(3 hours later)
I arrive at Bobby's house and I knock on the door. Bobby answers the door.

"Cas, what are you doing here?" He looked surprised.

"Is Dean here?" I asked in a worried voice.

I heard footsteps behind Bobby.

"Bobby, who's at the doo-" It was Dean. I was so relieved to see him ok. Just to know that he was safe.

"Dean!" I said excitedly.

"What are you doing here and how did you find me?" He asked in a harsh tone.

"I just needed to know that you were ok. When I woke up you weren't next to me. Then, when I called you, you wouldn't answer. Then, I saw all your stuff gone. I just needed to know that you're ok."

"Well, now that you know I'm fine you can leave now, right?" He asked harshly.

That hurt me.

"Dean, what did I do to make you leave me?"

He rolled his eyes and slammed the door in my face.

I knocked on the door again. Dean opened the door.

"Castiel, just leave me the fuck alone. Go back home because I never want to see you again." He yelled at me before slamming the door in my face.

I cried and walked back to my car. What did I do? I don't know what I did but whatever it was, I wish I could take it back.

Dean's POV
After I slammed the door in Cas' face I went back to my room and cried. I looked at the wedding ring I still had and started crying even harder. Bobby came in and tried to comfort me.

"He didn't love me, Bobby. What did I even do for him not to love me?"

"Dean, calm down. I'm sure he didn't mean it."

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant