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Dean's POV
I drove us to my old house. We climbed the trees, I opened the window, we climb in, and I close the window I looked around and it still looked the same. No one still hasn't bought the house yet.

My old bed was still here. We made our way to the bed and I gently pushed Cas on the bed.

"Now, where were we beautiful?" I whispered in Cas' ear. He moaned.

I kiss his stomach and then I go down further. I stop when I get to his swim suit. I look up at him and he moans.

I look back down and start pulling down his swim suit with my teeth. He moans even more and I start to get a boner.

I pull off his swim suit and throw them in a corner. I take off mine and throw it into the pile as well. I climb on top of him and start palming him through his boxers.

He starts moaning louder and louder.

"Dammit Dean." He moans.

I shush him and then go down. I pull off his boxers slowly with my teeth.

"Dean." He moans.

I take off his underwear and start giving him a handjob.

"Dammit Dean." He moans again.

I shush him and move my hand up and down. He moans again and I shush him again.

Then, I take my hand away and I take him into my mouth. He puts his hand in my hair and he pulls me down further. He comes in my mouth and I swallow him.

He calms down and I look up at him. I take off my underwear and throw it into the pile of clothes. I grab the lube from my swim suit pocket and lather Cas and I up.

He moans when I do it.

I close the lube and put it on my bedside table.

I climb on top of him and line myself up with him. I put myself in him and he moans. I shush him and thrust myself in. He moans out in please again. I pull back and thrust back in. I start off slowly and then I start going faster.

His breath starts going faster and faster and he moans loudly.

"Dean." He moans.

(End of smut)
I pull out of him and I land on top of him. We try to catch our breaths.

"You're amazing, Dean." He said

"Thanks." I smiled.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you, too Cas."

We pull into a kiss and we kiss passionately again.

We pull away and we smile at each other. We lay there for a little bit before we get up and start getting dressed.

Once we're dressed as climb out the window, I close the window, and then we get back in Cas' car.

We drive back to the beach and we go for a swim.

Abbey's POV
Dylan and I sit on the couch watching Supernatural. His arms around me. Neither of us talking. Just us watching Supernatural.

I'm kind of scared to talk. What am I supposed to say.

"Abbey?" Dylan says.

"Huh?" I ask and look up at him.

"I love you." He says.

"I love you, too Dylan." I said back to him.

We turned back to Supernatural and we watched it.

Then, he kissed me again and I kissed him back. To be honest, I loved feeling his lips on mine. I wish it could stay like this forever.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant