The talk

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Dean's POV
Cas and I had a spare room and we showed Jensen, Jared, and Misha to the room. I felt kind of bad they all had to share the same room but they didn't really seem to mind.

There was only one bed and they were all currently fighting over who was going to get the bed.

"I should get the bed because I'm a director." Jensen said.

"Hey, I'm the tallest one here. You think I want to sleep on the floor? No, I don't want to have an aching back in the morning. I should get the bed." Jared said.

"I kick people in my sleep and if I sleep next to one of you on the floor, don't be surprised if I kick you in your face." Misha said.

Jared and Jensen looked at each other before they huddled together and started murmuring incoherently. Jared looked at Misha then went back to murmuring to Jensen.

They finished murmuring and then turned back to Misha who had his arms folded, tapping his foot, waiting for Jensen and Jared to stop talking to each other.

"Alright, you can have the bed." Jensen said.

He smiled and said, "Thank you."

"Tomorrow. I let Jared have the bed tonight."

"Oh come on!" Misha said frustrated.

"Alright, that's fine with me. I can sleep on the floor. I can do that." Misha said calmly.

Finally, everything's all good." Jensen said happily.

They settled the bed situation, brought their suitcases in, and put them in the room.

But, on the way out of the room, Misha murmured something about Jensen and Jared.

We were downstairs and they were all practicing their lines for the next episode of Supernatural.

I cleared my throat.

"Excuse me, but what is the next episode called?" I asked them.

"It's called The French Mistake." Jensen said.

Jared looked like he was thinking about something and then he looked like a lightbulb had gone on in his head.

"Guys, I have an idea!" Jared said excitedly.

"I'm all ears, Jared. What's your idea?" Jensen said turning to Jared.

"Sam, Dean, and Castiel. That's what." Jared said with a smile.

Jensen and Misha exchanged confused looks. They looked at Jared for further explanation.

"They have the same names as us on the show. Hence Sam, Dean, and Castiel. Therefore what I was thinking is that Sam, Dean, and Castiel could be themselves pretending to be us." Jared said.

"What? English Jared, English." Jensen begged.

Jared sighed a frustrated sigh and explained again.

"We play Sam, Dean, and Castiel in the beginning of the show. Then, the real Sam, Dean, and Castiel pretend to be us when we get thrown into the real world.

"Oh." Jensen and Misha said in realization.

"I like that idea, Jared. That's a great idea."

"But, I don't watch Supernatural." I said.

Jared, Jensen, Misha, and Abbey all turn to me.

Jensen walked up to me and said "You disgust me." Then walks back to Misha and Jared.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant