The reception

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Dean's POV
Charlie and I walked off the dance floor. Then, the DJ announced that the first dance for the new couple was about to begin.

They both went up and they danced when the song came on. They song was called 'Marry me' by Train. They danced beautifully with love in their eyes.

When the song ended and they stopped dancing, they kissed each other, and then they walked off the dance floor. Everyone clapped and cheered.

The food was coming out. First the salad came out and it was an Cesar salad. I love Cesar salad. Cas was enjoying it as well.

Then, once everyone had finished with their salads, the waiters came and took Them. A few minutes later the main course came out. It was streak with mashed potatoes, and vegetables.

"So babe, you having fun yet?" Cas asked me.

"Yeah, how about you?"

"Yeah. The wedding's beautiful."

"You're beautiful." I said in a flirty voice.

"You're sexy." Cas said with a wink.

"You're sexier." I said to Cas with a wink back.

"You're the definition of sexy." Cas said with a flirty voice.

"You're the definition of sex appeal." I said in a flirty voice and winked.

"You win this round, babe." Cas said.

"Thank you very much." I said proudly.

Cas' POV
The food had just been collected and the music was starting to play. Everyone started going to the dance floor and started dancing.

"Come on, babe. Let's dance." I said to Dean.

"You got it, babe." Dean said.

The song was 'I want crazy' by Hunter Hayes.

The song described Dean and I's relationship perfectly.

Dean and I danced. He spun me around a few times and I spun him around a few times as well. We smiled at each other and we kissed a few times during the dance.

"I love you, Dean."

"I love you, too Cas. Forever and always."

He kissed me again.

Sam's POV
"Hey babe, I'm going to take a break from dancing. I'm going to go outside."

"Alright, have fun."

I kiss Gabe one last time before going outside.

Once I walk outside, I see someone that I haven't seen in a long time, Jared.

I walk up to him and say hi.

"Hey Jared."

"Oh hey, Sam. Wow, haven't seen you in long time."

"Yeah, you've gotten tall."

"So have you. How have you been?"

"Great. I have a girlfriend now. Her name's Genevieve. Here, I'll be right back. I'm going to introduce you to her."


He walked away and I waited. He returned a few minutes later and he had his girlfriend with him.

"Gen, this is Sam. We were friends in high school."

"Oh hi, it's very nice to meet you. Yeah, Jared kind of tells me his memories from high school."

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant