Unexpected events

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{9:00 A.M}
Cas' POV
Abbey, Dean, and I were sitting at the table and I was telling Dean that I had a few hints for today.

"Dad, can I go on a hunt with you?" Abbey said excitedly.

"That's easy, no." I said.

"Please? I know how do defend myself, I used your knife to kill demons."

"Honey, when you have children one day, you will understand why I say no to a lot of things. Ok honey. You just have to trust me on this, ok?" I said.


"Maybe one day, but just not today?"

"Really? You'll take me out with you one day?" She said excitedly.

"I said maybe." I said.

"Good enough for me!" She said happily.

"Why don't you hang out with Dean? I'm sure he'd like to spend some time with you." I suggested looking at Dean.

He smiled and I smiled back.

The doorbell rang, so I got up and answered it.

It was Sam.

"Hey Sam, what's up?"

"It's Jared actually, not Sam. The paparazzi are following us and they're not going to stop until they find us. We need a break and I was wondering if we could stay here?" He said in a rush.

"Alright, calm down. Come inside."

"Thank you." He said still breathing hard from talking really fast.

"Alright. Now, who's this 'we' that you're talking about?"

"Jensen, Mishka, and me." He said starting to calm down.

"Yeah, sure. Wait, what about Sam and Gabe? Why didn't you just ask them?"

"I figured they were busy or something. But, thank you so much for letting us stay here."

"Sure, no problem."

"Ok, I'm going to call them."


He took out his phone and he told them that I said it was ok for them to come in."

"Cas, who's at the door?" I hear Dean say.

"Oh, hey Sammy?" Dean said with a smile.

I whispered in his ear, "Dean, that's not Sam. It's some guy named Jared."

"Oh shit, really sorry Jared. I thought you were Sam." Dean says

He laughs and says it's fine to Dean.

They other guys soon came into the house.

Once they other two came in, Dean and I just gave each other really confused looks.

"Hello, I'm Jensen and this is mooska." Jensen said.

Dean's mouth dropped open.

"For the last time Jensen, it's Misha. Get it right!" Misha says to Jensen, sighing a  frustrated sigh.

"It's not my fault your name is so hard to pronounce." Jensen said sassily to Misha.

"What is so hard about my name? Huh? It's Misha."

"Well, you just have a weird name." Jensen said to Misha.

Misha just rolled his eyes and then Jensen said "Anyway, this is Misha Coolins."

"MISHA COLLINS!" Misha yelled at Jensen in frustration.

"It's Misha Collins. I swear, you and Jared both drive me up the walls." He said in annoyance.

Jared and Jensen just laughed. Dean and I just gave each other weird looks.

At that moment, Abbey walked in.

First she looked at us, then she looked at Jensen, Jared, and Misha, and then back at us again.

"Dad, are they who I think they are?" I asked Cas.

"Hi, I'm Jensen, this is Jared, and this is Mishka."

I looked over at Misha and he was standing next to Jensen. Misha turns to Jensen.

"Jensen, let's just remember that I'm the one that gripped you tight and raised your big, hairy, ding dong from perdition. I can throw you back in." Misha sassed at Jensen.

Jared starts laughing and so do the rest of us. We look at Abbey and she literally screaming her head off and flapping her arms everywhere.

Jensen and Misha looked at us and then they bow.

"Thank you, everyone." Misha said.

"Hey, I was the one that was supposed to say that." Jensen says to Misha.

"Well, I said it first. Assbutt!"

"Bitch!" Jensen said.

"Jerk!" Jared said.

Abbey started screaming again and started flapping her arms around again.

"I'll freaking tickle you if you don't stop, Misha." Jensen warned.

"Jokes on you because I'm not ticklish." Misha sassed Jensen.

"Oh yeah?" Jensen said raising his hands up in the tickling position.

Misha looked up at Jensen in fright and started running around the house, Jensen following close behind.

Jared then started blocking Misha's one way of escape and then Jensen started tickling him.

Misha started laughing hysterically and was begging Jensen to stop but Jensen kept tickling him.

About 5 minutes later Jensen stopped tickling Misha, got up, and gave Jared a high five.

"Thanks brother!" He said.

"You're welcome, Brother." Jared said smiling at Jensen.

Misha got up and he was still trying to catch his breath. Misha just rolled his eyes at the two.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant