Wedding plans

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A/N: this is the song that Abbey has in mind. Please listen to it. It's beautiful but sad at the same time.

7:30 a.m
Dean's POV
Cas and I woke up at 7:30 in the morning and we went downstairs to xmake ourselves a cup of coffee.

We heard Dylan and Abbey's door open and close. Then we heard them coming down the stairs. Finally they were in fthe kitchen.

Dylan and Abbey got themselves a cup of coffee as well.

"Now, since we have everyone down here. Let's all have a talk. Everyone please sit down." I said to everyone.

We sat at the table. Cas and I on one side and Dylan and Abbey on the other side.

"Now, let's talk about the wedding plans." I said with a smile.

"First things first, who's going to walk Abbey down the aisle and who does the father daughter dance?" Cas said.

"I don't know, who wants to walk me down the aisle?" Abbey said and looked between Cas and I.

"I want to walk her down the aisle but I feel bad if I do because what if you want to walk her down the aisle?" Cas said to me.

"I kind of want to walk her down the aisle. I mean, I'm fine with dancing with her." I said to Cas.

"Maybe Dean can walk me down the aisle and Cas can dance with me." Abbey suggested.

We looked at her.

"Is that what you want, honey?" Cas asked Abbey.

"Yes, that's what I want." Abbey said with a smile.

Abbey's POV
I was already thinking about songs for the father daughter dance. I had this one song already in mind and its called, 'You Can Let Go Now Daddy.' It's a sad but beautiful song and I think it would be perfect for the father daughter dance.

"Hey guys, I'll be right back. I have go do something. Be back in a little bit. Bye guys." I said in a rush before getting up and heading out of the house.

I needed to tell Charlie that I was engaged. She's going to be so happy!

Cas' POV
"Dylan, what are your thoughts on the plans so far?" I asked him.

"Whatever you guys plan to do for the wedding is good for me, sir." He said with a smile.

"Well, if you want to suggest something don't be afraid to pitch in, ok?" I said to him nicely.

"Yes sir." He said and nodded.

"Dylan?" I asked.

"Yes sir?" He answered back.

"I'm sorry to bring up a touchy subject but would you maybe want to invite your parents to the wedding?" I asked calmly.

His expression went from happy to mad in a split second. I shouldn't have asked that. Dammit Cas, why did you have to ask that!

"Would you please excuse me for a few minutes?" He said in a low voice.

He stood up, went upstairs, and then we heard the door slam.

I was about to get up and apologize to him but Dean grabbed my hand gently and told me to sit down.

Dylan's POV
I tried to calm myself down. Just thinking about my parents being at the wedding angered me so much. What the hell did they ever do for me? When they first got me when I was 8 years old, they never even signed the adoption papers. They abused me for 7 years and when Abbey brought me to her house, I promised myself that from that day on, I would never go back or have to see them ever again. I can just imagine the things they would say if they were at our wedding. When I was younger they told me that no one would ever love me and I believed that for a really long time.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant