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Hey guys, I know I haven't updated on any of my books lately and I'm very sorry about that. I've been reading these series of books and it's called the Vampire Journals and it's so good and addictive. They're all on iBooks. There's 11 books for that series and I'm only on book 3. But it's so addictive. Check it out if you guys want to. But anyway, since I've been reading the Vampire Journal series, I've come up with a new idea for a Destiel book. It'll be Vampire Castiel and Angel Dean.

I wanted to do a mixture between vampires and angels. The title of the book, I think will be either, Good vs Evil~Destiel AU or Vampires vs Angels~Destiel AU.

Please comment on which one you guys like best. Thank you my awesome readers, bye.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant