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{6:30 a.m)
I woke up to my head pounding. I got up and I was still in my suit from last night. I wondering how we got home last night. I was really drunk last night. Oh shit, Baby!

I ran downstairs and almost fell down the stairs in the process. I got downstairs and checked outside the window.

Baby is safe!

I let out a sigh of relief and then I started to get a new worry. Is Abbey ok?

I rush upstairs and trip on the last step while going up. I get up and open her bedroom door. She's sound asleep.

I check the guest room and Jensen, Jared, and Misha are all asleep with their fiancés by their sides. I smile then close the door.

I start to get an uneasy feeling and I rush to the bathroom. Soon enough, I throw up. I throw up a lot.

Damn, I've must've drank a lot last night.

I finally finish emptying my stomach and then wipe my mouth. I washed my hands and face. When I looked the mirror I saw that I had a bruise on my cheek.

I touched it and it hurt. Then I felt pain in my stomach. Like someone had kicked me in the stomach last night.

I shake it off and then go back downstairs to get some ibuprofen for my head. I grab some and swallow them down with water.

I hear someone come downstairs and it was Jared.

"Hey Dean, how do you feel?" Jared asks.

"I don't feel good. I have a hangover, I have a bruise on my cheek, and I feel like I got kicked in the stomach last night."

"Well, sorry to hear that?"

"Hey, how did we all get home last night?"

"Jensen, Misha, and I all worked together to get you guys home. We also got Sam and Gabe home."

"Thank you, guys."

"You're welcome. Also, here are your keys to your Impala."

He reached into his pocket and pulled out the keys to my Impala.

"Thanks for keeping my Baby safe."

"You're welcome, Dean."

"I know Jensen would kill me if I ever wrecked his car and I would kill him if he ever wrecked my car." Jared said with a smile.

I just nodded and smiled.

I hear someone else coming down the stairs and it was Abbey.

What kind of child gets up at 6:30 in the morning? Apparently mine.

"Dad, I have a headache and my stomach hurts. It feels like I'm going to throw up."

"Take some ibuprofen if your head hurts, honey. You should also go to the bathroom if you feel like you have to throw up." I said to my daughter.

She nodded but then held her head and groaned. Poor thing.

"Was Abbey ok last night?" I asked Jared.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant