5 years later

360 17 36

{November 5th}
~5:30 a.m~
Abbey's POV
Today was my 16th Birthday and I was so excited.

The good thing about the past 4 years, I've gotten over my fear. I don't see my mother anywhere now. I don't see her in my dreams either. I also grew out of sleeping in my dads bed. I was 12 when I grew out of it.

I got out of bed and started getting ready. Yes, I had to go to school on my birthday. It sucks but hey, at least I get to see my friends there. Another good thing is that today is a Friday!

Dylan and I are still great friends. He even goes to the same school as me. He has a girlfriend now and her name's Katherine. To be honest, I absolutely hate her. She's a totally bitch.

I mean, Dylan never complained about her. But, I have a feeling that she's a total bitch to him. But hey, if Dylan's happy, that's all I care about. He's my friend. I care about him being happy. I don't want to see him get hurt by Katherine.

I was pulled out of my thoughts when I heard a knock at my door.

"Come in." I said.

It was Cas and Dean.

"HAPPY BIRTHDAY!" They both said happily and excitedly.

I smiled and hugged them both.

"Thank you, guys. I love you both."

"We love you, too honey." They both said and then they went downstairs.

I finished getting ready.

I looked at myself in my full length mirror and I was happy with what I was wearing.

I had on some dark blue jeans, a white tank top, a red and black plaid shirt over my tank top, and a pair of white converse.

My hair was straight and let down.

A knock came from my door.

"Come in." I said and Cas popped his head inside.

"Honey, it's going to be cold today. So, wear your leather jacket." Cas said before closing the door again.

I said ok. I went to my closet and got my black leather jacket from my closet. I put it on and checked myself out in the mirror.

I sighed. So many layers.

It was now 6:00 and school started at 7:00. I still had a lot of time to do my makeup.

I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth. Then, I did my makeup. Charlie had bought me makeup for my birthday last year. I've used that makeup ever since.

I put some mascara on, curled my eyelashes, applied mascara one last time, put some blush on, and put on a dark red lipstick on. I then put some natural looking eyeshadow on and filled in my eyebrows. Then, I was done with my makeup. I went back to my room and put some perfume on. It was called 'Pretty Petals' by Betsy Johnson.

Again, something else that Charlie got me for my birthday last year.

I was finally ready. I walked downstairs and Cas had made me breakfast. It was eggs, bacon, and apple juice.

It was the same breakfast that he has made me for the past 9 years that I've lived with him and Dean.

I smile and thank Cas. He nods and smiles. Once I'm done eating breakfast, I grab my light blue backpack, give Cas a kiss, say bye, and Dean drives me to school in the Impala.

I get to school, say bye to Dean, and get out of the car. I walk into school and Ruby comes up to me.

"Hey girl, happy birthday!" She says happily.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant