Rings, rings, and more rings

639 38 17

(2:00 P.M)
Dean's POV
It was my lunch break now and I was just waiting for Uriel to get here. A few minutes later, he arrived. We took my car and he told me where to go.

The store was called 'Jared.' We went inside and we started looking at rings for Cas. I was so happy right now. I was like a little kid in a candy store.

"Hey Uriel, what's Cas' ring size?"

"I don't know. You're going to have Gabe that."

"Alright, I'm going to call him now."


I took out my phone and tap on Gabe's name. It rings and then, "Hello?"

"Gabe, is Cas around you right now?"

"No, he's on a hunt. Why, what's up?"

"What's Cas' ring size?"

"His ring size is an 8."

"Alright, thanks Gabe."

"You're welcome. Bye."


I hung up the phone and I said to Uriel.

"Gabe says Cas' ring size is an 8."

He nodded and then we started looking in the eights section.

After a while of looking for the perfect ring, we finally found it. I was so happy.

We went up at and we payed for it.

"Thank you." I smile at the cashier before leaving the store with Uriel.

"Thank you so much for helping me look for the perfect ring. Cas is going to love it."

"That's great, Dean."

"Well, I have to get back to work. Come on."

"I'll bring you back lunch if you want? Since, we haven't eaten yet."

"Thanks Uriel."

"You're welcome, Dean."

We get in the Impala and we head back to my work. I park the car and we get out. We say bye and then he leaves.

I walk back into work and then I head out to fix the cars that I have to fix. A few minutes later Uriel comes back with some lunch for me. I thank him before he leaves again.

He a nice guy. I open the bag up and take out the burger and fries. I ate and then washed it down with my water. I threw the trash out and finished fixing the cars.

Cas' POV
I slashed the last demons head off before putting my weapons back in the trunk of my car. (Yes, Cas has his car back.)

I got in the driver seat and then started driving home. Once I got home I got out of the car and went inside. I went up to my room and started stripping before getting in the shower. I rinsed all the blood off myself and I noticed that I had a big cut on my shoulder and it was bleeding like crazy. I put my hand over it and tried to fix the cut myself. It didn't work though. (It only works if your soulmate heals you, remember.)

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant