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A/N: Grab the tissues because it's a very sad chapter. I cried while writing this chapter.

Sam's POV
I woke up on soft sand. I looked over at my side and saw Gabe. He was sleeping peacefully, his chest rising and lowering with every breath he took.

His eyes started to flutter and he woke up. He looked at me and smiled.

"Morning handsome. Did you sleep well?"

I looked at him and smiled at him. His gold wings were spread out. His left wings behind me. I turned and saw that my silver wings were back. I spread my wings out like Gabe.

"I slept great, what about you?"

"I slept great. I love having you in my arms."

"I love being in your arms."

"I love that you're only mine."

"I love you." I said and smiled at him.

We kissed passionately. We sat up and watched the beautiful ocean. The waves silently crashing on the shore. The seagulls gliding in the cloudless, blue sky.

"What time is it?" I ask Gabe.

"It's only 7:00 in the morning."

"Hey, where's Dean and Cas?"

"They live all the way in Texas, Sam. But, they're coming here tomorrow."

"Great. What are they coming in town for?"

"That's only between Cas, Dean, and I. Sorry Sam."

I nodded my head and we looked out at the ocean again for a few minutes.

"Come on, let's go home."

He stood up and stuck out a hand for me to take. I took it and then we started walking. We walked along the beach, hand in hand.

We stopped in front of a house that was 2 stories high. The second floor had a balcony in the middle. The house was a cream white color. It was a beautiful house.

We walked into the house and went to the kitchen. Gabe took out the eggs, bacon, pancake mix, and stuff to make French toast. He smiled at me and I smiled back.

"Hey, Gabe?"

"Yeah, Sam?"

"What state are we in?"

"We're in California."

I smile at him and then we start making breakfast.

Dean's POV
Cas, Gabe, and I were all sitting around Sam's hospital bed. He hadn't woken up in 4 hours.

We were all crying hysterically and neither of us had stopped crying.

Whenever the nurse came in, we would ask if Sam would make it. He would always just say that he didn't know.

How could I have let this happen? I was the one that was supposed to protect my little brother. Not the other way around.

I got up from my spot and walked out of the room. I walked out to the garden that the hospital had and walked around. I felt a hand on my shoulder. I turned around and it was Cas.

He had stopped crying but I couldn't stop crying. He pulled me into an embrace and I cried into his shoulder.

"Shh Dean. He's going to be ok." Cas said calmingly.

"How do you know that? He could die. This is all my fault." I cried more into his shoulder.

I tried to stop crying but I couldn't. My whole body started shaking and I couldn't stop.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant