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🐍The next day🐍
Dean's POV
I got home from work and I went inside. No one was in sight.

"Cas? Abbey?"

The next thing I knew they were both running down the stairs like 2 rhinos that were determined to get to their prey first.

Before I knew it I was knocked down by one of the rhinos. I was about to get up but then I got knocked down by the other rhino.

I got up and I helped the 2 rhinos up.

"Dean! Say no to what Abbey is about to ask you."

"Say yes, dad! He's going to say yes, dad." She threw a glare towards Cas' direction.

"What were you going to ask me, Abbey?" I said nicely.

"Dad says I can't go on this field trip and I said that you would have said yes. So, can I go?"

I laughed and then answered, "Honey, of course you can go." I smile at her and she hugs me tightly.

"Thank you, dad. I'll go get the permission slip and you can sign it."

"Ok honey." I laughed.

She ran upstairs and Cas threw me a death glare.

"Cas, why don't you want her to go on the field trip?"

I let out a sigh.

"Dean, what is she gets hurt? Or if she gets lost? Or if a demon attacks her? She can't defend herself."

"Cas. Babe, she's going to be ok. Ok? I know you're worried but I mean, it's a school field trip. There'll be supervisors. They wouldn't let anything happen to any of the kids. She'll be safe. Don't worry, Cas. Ok?"

"Oh alright. You're right, what could possibly go wrong?" He laughed nervously.

Abbey came back down the stairs and handed me the permission slip. I filled it out, put all my contact information on there and Cas' as well. Once I filled it out I got out some money from my wallet and told Abbey to give it to the teacher tomorrow for her field trip. It was 70 dollars for her to go on the field trip. But you know what? If she was happy, that's all that mattered to Cas and I.

Her happiness is important to Cas and I.

She hugged me again and then hugged Cas.

"Hey honey?" Cas said.

"Yeah dad?" Abbey looked at Cas.

"I'm going to give you my phone tomorrow when I drop you off at school. If you need anything, anything at all, call Dean. He'll pick up, even if he's at work. Right Dean?" He looked at me.

"Of course I will." Dean said reassuringly.

"Even if it's midnight, we'll pick up. Ok honey? If you have a bad dream and you want to call us, call us. We'll always answer." Cas said smiling at Abbey.

"Ok I will, dad."

"Good, now just be careful on the trip and I hope you have a lot of fun. Also call when you get there just so we know that you're safe."

"I will, dad. Thank you for letting me have your phone for a few days and also for letting me go on the field trip."

"You're welcome, honey. You're happiness is important to us. But so is your safety."

"I understand, dad. I'll be careful, I promise."

"Ok honey, that's good. How long are you going to be away for?"

"Only until Friday. Don't worry dad, I'll be home again before you know it." She said with a smile.

I smile back at her and I give her hug.

"So, what do you want for dinner?"

"Tacos!" She said happily.

I nod and we all go into the kitchen and start making tacos.

🐸After dinner🐸
Cas' POV
"Alright honey, go get in the shower and then you can do whatever you want until bedtime, ok?" I said to Abbey.

"Ok." She said happily. She headed towards her room and then went to the bathroom.

We heard a scream coming from the bathroom and we literally rushed into the bathroom.

"Daddy! It's a huge spider! Kill it, kill it!" She cries out in fear.

She then jumped into Dean's arms and then buried her face into his shoulder so she didn't have to see the spider.

Dean ran out of the bathroom, so it was only up to me. It started to crawl and then I lost it. I ran out of the bathroom and called Sam up. It's up to Sam now, he's the only one that can kill it.

Sam picked up on the 2nd ring and said "Hey Cas, what's up?"

"Sam, you need to come over here right now. There's a huge spider in Abbey's bathroom and I can't kill it. You have to kill it for us!" I said panicking.

"Ok, I'll be over there in a few minutes."

"Ok. Hurry!" I said before I hung up.

"Alright, Sam's going to be here in a few minutes." I told them.

They nodded their heads and then got on top of the couch. I did the same.

{A few minutes later}
There's a knock at the door and I get it. Sam comes in and asks where the spider is. I point towards Abbey's bathroom and he makes his way to the bathroom.

I hop back on the couch and watch in the distance.

"Cas, I don't see a spider in here." He says worriedly.

"It was in there before." I said.

He looked around everywhere and then he looked towards our direction. His mouth dropped open.

"CAS! IT'S ON YOUR PANT LEG!" He said freaking out.


He runs towards me and takes off his shoe. He starts beating the spider with his shoe. Mind you, it's on my leg. That's probably going to leave a bruise.

Finally Sam kills the spider and it falls to the ground. He gets a paper towel and picks it up before disposing it outside.

"Thank you, Sam." We all thank him.

"You're welcome. Sorry for beating up your leg."

"It's fine, Sam. At least that spider is dead."

"Yeah. Well, I'm going to get going. Bye guys."

"Wait Sam, Abbey's going on a field trip tomorrow and she won't be back until Friday."

"Well in that case." Sam walks over to Abbey and gives her a long hug and a kiss on the forehead.

"I hope you have a lot of fun, kid. Also, don't make them worry. Be careful, ok?"

"I will uncle Sam. Bye Uncle Sam, I'll miss you."

"I'll miss you, too kid. Bye."

"Bye." We all said at once.

He left and I locked the door. Abbey went back into the bathroom and got her shower while Dean and I watched some T.V.

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant