Spring break

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Gabe's POV
It was Saturday night and I was going to head home to see Dean and Cas again.

"Hey Gabe?" Harry says.

"Yeah Harry?"

"Would it be ok if I spent spring break with you? My parents are on a cruise and I don't really have any other family."

"Oh, yeah that's fine. I'll just call up my family and make sure it's ok. I'm sure they'll say yes though."

"Ok, thanks Gabe."

"You're welcome, Harry."

I zipped up my bag and took my phone out of my pocket.

I dialed Cas number and he answered.

"Hello?" Cas said over the phone.

"Hey brother! Listen, I was wondering if my roommate can spend the weekend with us. His parents are out of town and he has no other family."

"Yeah that's fine. Well, I gotta go. Bye. See you tonight."

"Ok. Thanks Cas. Bye."

I hung up the phone and I looked over to Harry.

"My brother said it would be ok."

"That's great. Thank you so much for this, Gabe."

"You're welcome, Harry."

~an hour later~
Harry is all ready and we leave.

Dean's POV
The doorbell rings and I go and answer it. It's Gabe and I assume his roommate.

Gabriel throws his arms around me and I hug him back.

"It's great to see you again, Gabe."

"It's good to see you, too Dean. I missed you."

"We've missed you, too."

We pull away from the hug and I look over to Gabe's roommate.

"Hi, I'm Dean and I suppose you're Gabe's roommate."

"Yes, my name is Harry. It's very nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you, too Harry."

~2 hours later~
We were all sitting in the living room talking and laughing. I got to know a little bit about Harry and he seems like a nice kid.

Cas' POV
I park the car and I see Gabe's car in the driveway as well. I look down at myself and I'm all bloody. I search my backseat for an extra pair of clothes and thankfully, I find a pair. It's Dean's clothes but, oh well.

I grab them, put them in the passenger seat and take off my shirt. I cried out in pain.

Son of a bitch, that fucking hurts.

I continue to put on Dean's clothes and then I changed into his jeans. Once I'm done changing, I search my car for any paper towels. Thankfully I do.

I grab them and pull down my mirror. I wipe my face.

Once I'm done wiping my face, I move onto everything else.

When I'm done wiping all the blood off of me, I get out of the car, and lock it. I walk and everything hurts.

My shoulders, arms, thighs, and legs hurt really badly. I whimper silently with ever move but I know I can make it.

I take out my house keys and unlock the door. I walk in and I see Gabe, Dean, and I'm guessing Gabe's roommate.

"Hi everyone."

"Hey." Dean and Gabe say together.

"Harry, this is my brother Castiel. But you can call him Cas for short. Cas, this is my roommate, Harry."

The love story continues-Destiel and SabrielOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant