The day that I hate the most (edited)

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(Author's notes)



"foreign language"

I do not own Katekyo hitman reborn or any of the characters

(Drawing in media was done by me, (if I had messed up once it would have been scrapped as it was all drawn out in ball point pen and coloured in using permenant marker) if you're wondering why the face isn't coloured in, it is because at the time I drew it, I did not have skin tone colours.)


" I hate this, why does it have to be like this why? I just want them to love me or at the very least, acknowledge my presence" Okaa-San focuses all of her attention on Onii-San, and Otou-San is never around, well it's not like things would be any different if he were to show up, but why do they treat me like I'm not there? what have I ever done to Onii-San, Okaa-san and Otou-San for them to hate and ignore my very existence?". I sat in a quiet, almost abandoned area of the park, watching the clouds pass by in the darkening sky.

My name is Sawada Tsunayoshi but I prefer to be called Tsuna. Today is my birthday and in my opinion, it's the worst day of the year, I'm usually alone, like every other day of the year, my so called 'family' all but hate me and pretend that I don't exist. To my dismay, I also have to share my birthday with Onii-San, just my luck that I was born on the same day as him. How unlucky do you have to be to share the same birthday as your brother, of whom is a whole year older than you.

"Hn. Omnivore. Why are you talking to yourself? " said a voice I know very well, one of the demon prefects of namimori high school and one of my closest and only friends Hibari Kyouya.

"Are you starting to hear things now Hibari-San? Because I wasn't talking to myself " I said as I glared at him



"Call me Kyouya"

"But Hibari-San that is very disrespectful after all you are older than me and it is impolite to be informal with someone older than oneself."

"Omnivore, are we not friends? Because I thought we were, if you agree, then you are allowed to call me Kyouya." Said the demon prefect. "*sigh* If you don't start calling me by Kyouya then I'll have to bite you to death"



"Are you starting to hear things now Hibari-San? Because I wasn't talking to myself" Tsuna replied, while trying to glare at me but ended up looking as like he was pouting, it was kind of cute 'what the h*** was I just thinking?!?! Still why does he still call me by my last name?'.



"Call me kyouya"

"But Hibari-San that is very disrespectful after all you are older than me and it is impolite to be informal with someone older than oneself."

'Why does the omnivore suddenly act so... carnivorous? and when did he learn to answer back... especially being sarcastic'. "Omnivore. are we not friends? Because I thought we were, if you agree to that then you are allowed to call me Kyouya." 'I swear to Kami, if he calls me by my last name one more time I will bite him to death, friend or not. "*sigh* If you don't start calling me by Kyouya then I'll have to do bite you to death"

"HIEEEEEEEEEE" the omnivore shrieked in response.

"You're too loud omnivore. I'm starting to think that you want to be bitten to death"


"You're too loud omnivore. I'm starting to think that you want to be bitten to death" Was all the demonic skylark said.

"I don't really care about dying anymore, not like anyone will miss me anyway, they'd probably turn up to the funeral, just to make sure I was actually dead" Tsuna said in a low whisper but due to how quiet the park actually was Kyouya easily heard the brunette's muttering.

"Keep talking like that and I will kill you myself" Hibari said only to regret his words moments later, when he saw I look of shock and slight betrayal that immediately melted away into a cold stare and smirk adorning the brunette's face.

"Oh please, like you could actually hurt me, you can't even bring yourself to put a scratch on me, let alone kill me. My 'family' will probably do that all by themselves." Tsuna said the last sentence as quietly as he could, whilst quickly ducking to avoid a tonfa connecting with his head. When Tsuna looked at his Skylark friend he felt the murderous aura and killing intent practically rolling off of Kyouya. Tsuna looked around in curiosity, trying to find out whom the aura was aimed at. (wow Tsuna! you are so dense)

" Omnivore!!!!"

"What Hi-Kyouya? What are you so angry about?"the younger boy said, a smirk still gracing his face.

A few minutes passed and the bloodlust and killing intent disappeared. The skylark looked over to his friend only to notice that the young boy was now starting to leave. Just as he was about to ask where the boy was going, Tsuna spoke as if reading Kyouya's mind and said, "I'm going home now, thank you for spending some of my birthday with me, but it's getting late and I don't want to be late home, anyway tell Alaude-San that I said hi. I will see you tomorrow at school. Hopefully" the last word all but a whisper, as he  walked away so the demon prefect wouldn't hear.

'S*** today was his birthday?!?! how could I forget about it, I'll apologise to the omnivore tomorrow' the bloodthirsty skylark thought.








This is the end of the first chapter I know it probably wasn't very good but if you send me a message about what you thought was wrong the I will try and encorperate your ideas into the following chapters.

Edit: I have changed the wording around quite a bit from the original, and I will be doing the same with the others because I was reading this earlier and cringing at just how bad my grammar and writing was three years ago. If you spot anymore mistakes or grammar errors please do inform me and I will attempt to fix them. The same if you find terms you don't understand, inform me and I will either clarify for you, or rewrite the part to make it a little easier to understand ( or both... probably both)

Also all of Hibari's long lines were translated by yours truly, they originally read as Hn. All the time... you are welcome 😁.

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