Somewhat normal part 2

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(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
Tsuna then went back to his seat and packed his things before leaving the classroom and going to the roof to relax.


When Giotto's group got out of class the first thing that they did was try to look for the brunette. After 5 minutes of looking hey were approached by their little brothers and sister in daemons case who were looking for them Hayato then said "do you guys know where Tsuna is because he didn't turn up for lesson" the older teens looked at each other before Giotto said "that's because Tsuna has been moved into our class" after that there was a moment of silence. Until throughout the school I scream of "WWWWWWWWWHHHHHHAAAAAAAAAATTTTTTTT" was heard.

After a few minutes of them arguing they all headed to the front of the school grounds after a few minutes of walking they saw Byakuran on the phone with someone while walking in the opposite direction they decided to follow and listen in on the conversation this is what they heard "yes kikyo I will do the paperwork when I get tell Zakuro that if he going to bath in lava then he should go to a volcano I am not having lava in the mansion know what I will probably sign bluebell up for school or something she has too much energy try and hide some of her sweets so she doesn't go into an all-out sugar rush.............*bang*..............oh kikyo do tell me that the mansion isn't being blown to pieces right now by daisy and torikabuto...................oh they are kill them or better yet tell them that I will have tsu-chan kill them........ no I am not a sadist...........really I'm nowhere near as bad...........fine just don't blame me when Tsu-chan sees the state his room is because those 4 didn't know which room they had broken the door to while do know that from what you just listed in the damages is one of his most precious things right..........................I think you should start digging their graves.................... *sigh* I'll do my best just have lots and lots of strawberry shortcake there for when we arrive............yes again with the paper works if you don't shut up about it there will be another funeral I will be planning" Byakuran said his voice getting darker In the middle before become childlike then evil again at the end then he hung up the phone.

Everyone listening thought 'what the hell goes on in that mansion'. Before they noticed that they were at the door to the roof when they heard the albino say "tsu-chan you know your brother and his guardians along with their siblings are looking for you." They then heard a chuckle "let them look I feel too lazy to actually get up and let them see me and really if they didn't think to look on the roof first then reborn really must have knocked out brain cells" they heard a chuckle and they started to look onto the roof still 'unnoticed' by the two there and saw them sat next to each other with tsuna's head on Byakuran's lap while the albino played with the brunette's hair.

They then saw the brunette sit up and look at the albino with a dark look he then said "what are you hiding from me?" from the looks of it Byakuran was sweating slightly. "you'll find out when we get home but for now please try and remain calm" at that Tsuna said "I don't know what you mean I am perfectly calm and I want you to tell me now or ........" they didn't hear the rest they only saw Byakuran with a pink tint on his cheeks and he said "you wouldn't dare" the brunette looked at him straight in the eyes and said "try me bitch" before they both snickered slightly and Byakuran then sighed and said "fine earlier on, whilst on my way here I was talking with Kikyo who was keeping an eye on the mansion."

Tsuna looked at him to carry on when he stopped talking so the albino did "I heard an explosion on the other end of the phone and apparently they as in Zakuro, Bluebell, daisy and Torikabuto broke a door down that led to a particular room and destroyed almost everything in it except a few things and they hadn't realized what room they haven't realized what room they've destroyed" after that Tsuna smiled a sadistic smile at the white haired boy and said " and which room pray tell did they destroy?" the white haired boy gulped and said "your bedroom" after that a dark aura was felt all over the northern hemisphere (exaggeration its actually all over the country).

At gesso mansion

All of the group were shivering except Kikyo who knew what happened as he was stood in the door way watching them fight once they felt the pressure they turned to kikyo and bluebell said "someone pissed Tsu-nii off" kikyo let out a dark chuckle and said "yeah and I know who" when they all looked at him and he said "please do tell me exactly which room do you think you've just destroyed" at that everyone looked around but couldn't make out anything due to the room being so badly damaged they all looked at Kikyo for confirmation he replied "you all have just destroyed tsuna's bedroom" at that all of the funeral wraths were shivering in fear while being as pale as a ghost.

Back in the school with Tsuna and Byakuran

After a few minutes of tsuna's killing intent Byakuran went into his bag and pulled out a piece of strawberry cake and the killing intent disappeared immediately all of Giotto's group sweat dropped and stared at Giotto incredulously.
After the brunette finished his cake he said "so they destroyed my room huh" the albino nodded "was one of things destroyed that?" the white haired boy nodded again.

Tsuna stood up with a sadistic grin on his face and stretched about 70 different popping sounds were heard he then said "well todays a good day" Byakuran looked at Tsuna and said " why????"Tsuna looked back at his 'boyfriend' and said "well for one I get to see the priceless expressions of my brothers and the others expressions when they find out I've been transferred to the graduating class and now I get to kill some annoying pests today is quite a fun day" after that he looked over the railing and said "there is no one down there should I jump or walk out like a normal person........ I'm not normal jump it is" after that Tsuna jumped over the railings and jumped off the building which was about 4 stories off the ground. Byakuran sighed and said to himself "and suddenly I'm the normal one" before he looked towards the door smirked and then said "never mind" and followed after the brunette over the railing and to the ground below.

Giotto's group then ran out onto the roof and looked over the railing to see both Tsuna and Byakuran walking out of the school like nothing happened. They all went to leave but Giotto remained their staring in the direction of the mansion and smirked sadistically all of the others who noticed this thought 'is Tsuna rubbing off on Giotto' they then heard a powerful explosion and saw that it was in the direction that Giotto was smirking in when they looked down they noticed that no one else heard it then figured that mist flames were being used and they knew that the place where the explosion happened is where a not so happy tuna fish is and thought to avoid it at all cost.
Till next time.
p.s. sorry that it's short

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