The two clouds and the sky's truth (edited)

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(Author's notes)



"foreign language."

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Last chapter
'S*** today was his birthday?!?! how could I forget about it, I'll apologise to the omnivore tomorrow' the bloodthirsty skylark thought.


Later that night


As I approached the front door to my house, the hairs on the back of my neck stood up. Something is up, my intuition is telling me to leave while I can, because, whatever is waiting for me on the other side of this door is definitely a danger to me.

2 hours earlier


"Okaa-San? where is that dame excuse of a brother of mine?" I asked. Okaa-San turned around with an expression that could kill almost anyone. I slowly started to retreat to the door, when her expression changed and she replied,  "I'm afraid I don't know Gi-kun, Have you received your birthday present from him yet?".

I know it's mean of me and all, to get otouto in trouble but he needs to learn that he is the least priority in this family and that he is not to bring me down to his pathetic level, So I shook my head and watched as her expression became dark and menacing, a smirk graced her lips as she replied, "Well looks like that brat will be punished for forgetting about you Gi-kun and he will learn his place" she said in a sweet tone, sickeningly sweet if you ask me. But I have to admit that when I heard those words, a giant smile graced my lips. Although for some unknown reason, I feel a little bit guilty for that lame excuse of a brother.

I absentmindedly looked at the clock and it said 7:00pm, I looked outside and noticed that it was dark. What caught my eye was the silhouette of dame-tsuna closing the gate behind him. while he was doing that, I went and told Okaa-San that Otouto was at the door, She quickly made her way to the door, she looked livid, like she was about to rip someone's head off, I almost felt sorry for Otouto... almost...his fault for coming home after dark.

Normal time


Just as I was about to grab the handle, the front door swung open with great force, revealing the one person I was hoping I wouldn't run 'mother' is stood there with a expression on her face that I know Extremely well, I prepared myself for the worst. I closed my eyes and awaited the beating, I was about to get receive, when I heard footsteps behind me, I then open my eyes to see another person I loathe and wished to avoid at all costs my 'father' Sawada Iemitsu, but for once, I suppose I should be happy to see him, after all he got me out of a beating from Okaa-San by telling me to make him a coffee to which I replied " okay Iemitsu-San. And thank you for coming home when you did Otou-San" I said, seeing as I am not aloud to call them anything that is remotely close to family terms I said the last sentence under my breathe, so no one heard it.








The next chapter is a continuation of this one

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