Deadly situation

570 20 6

(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
After a few minute Byakuran saw tsuna's forehead was covered in sweat as the boy fell forward in unconsciousness Byakuran placed the twins on the bench and went to check on tsuna as he did he found that the brunette was burning up . The albino knew he couldn't leave to get help so he grabbed his phone and dialled kikyo' number. As it started ringing he felt something sharp pierce his neck when he grabbed it he noticed it was a tranquilliser and his eyes widened as his vision became blurry as he fell unconscious he noticed a pair of shoes walk in front of him before everything went black.

"Hello, Byakuran-sama hello are you there hello" a voice said on the other side of the phone.


Byakuran' POV

"No don't go please don't leave me" I said to my beautiful brunette tears streaming down my face as he stood before me slowly fading from existence. "I will never leave you Bya-kun, be careful and be aware okay?" Tsu-chan said as he began to fade more. A bright light soon appeared close by "what is that?" I said. Tsu-chan smiled and said "you're being woken up". I looked at my lover and said "but I don't want to leave you" he smiled sadly at me. "I may not be there for you when you wake up but I will always be with you remember that so please wake up" I wiped my tears and said "I will for you tsu-chan" he walked forward and kissed me I returned it I felt like this was the last time I'd get this opportunity. My tsu-chan broke the kiss and said "go back to where you belong and one last thing........I love you" he then faded out of existence as the blinding light flooded my vision.

No one's POV

"Tsu-chan" byakuran said as he woke up with a start. He then felt a hand on his shoulder, he looked at who it was and saw Kyouya and alaude looking at him worried while fon, Akuma and nanase were stood behind them. Alaude helped him into a sitting position and kyouya said "what happened?". The albino thought back on the events that occurred and then his eyes widened in realisation as his head darted to the bench to see it empty a tear fell from his eye and he muttered to himself " my fault all my fault" the hibari brothers looked at each other worried and Kyouya knelt down in front of Byakuran and placed a hand on his shoulder and said "what happened and where's tsuna? Byakuran lifted his head and his eyes that were once a shining violet had now become a dull purple.

Their eyes met "we were walking back when tsu-chan said for me to go ahead and take the twins home but I had this feeling we were being watched and they were after tsu-chan so I refused to leave him alone so we sat down on this bench. everything was alright for a few minutes and then all of a sudden he started breathing heavily before collapsing on the floor I placed the twins on the bench and went to check on him and he was burning up I called kikyo and as it was ringing I felt something sharp on my neck so I grabbed it and it was a tranquilliser, the last thing I remember before everything went black was a pair of men's shoes." The dead monotone sounding voice of Byakuran said to the raven haired male.

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