Arcobaleno and trauma (Edited)

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(Author's notes)
"foreign language"
// sound effect or flash//
'Talking over the chat room'

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Last time
Reborn laughed at the memory he forgot and smiled at the brunette like a happy and thankful father. Giotto who heard and saw this was mentally screaming 'WWWWHHHHAAATTTT TTTTTHHHHHHEEE FFFFFUUUUUCCCCCCKKKKKK REBORN IS SMILING LIKE A FATHER TO A CHILD, IT'S THE END OF THE WORLD......WELL LIFE IT WAS GOOD KNOWING YOU'.



"Oi baka-Giotto shut up the world isn't going to end" the sadistic tutor said to the blond-Baka.

" HIEEE"was all the blonde said but he was thinking 'are you a f****** mind reader you psychotic b*****d'

"You know, if your gonna insult me at least say it my face, so I can torture you and no I can't read minds, your facial expressions just give away what your thinking." The hitman said, while fishing out his phone and calling someone.

"Reborn, what are yo-" Giotto tried to ask

"SHHH can't you see I'm on the phone and you do realise you woke up Kyouya, right?" The hitman said with a smirk plastered on his face as he saw the demonic prefect stood behind his student.

"For waking me up, I will bite you to death" the demonic prefect said, but just as he was about to hit the blond.

" Kyouya, leave him alone, he was the one who was shouting at my 'parents' " after the brunette said that he noticed three pairs of eyes on him. He glanced over at kyouya and smiled an angelic smile which in turn caused kyouya to blush and Giotto to have a small nosebleed at the cuteness. However, when he looked towards Reborn his expression grew sad, remembering he sealed his memories, Reborn noticed this and said to the brunette "don't look so sad Tsuna, I do remember you, I got my memories back a few minutes before you woke up, when I touched the ring that Aria and I gave you for your 10th birthday and before you ask I'm the only one with my memories, but even without my memories you were familiar to me. I'm calling the others to come and get theirs memories back, I'm so looking forward to seeing their faces when they remember that incident and I think you know which one I'm on about" reborn said with a huge sadistic smile on his face, confusing the other two but they looked at Tsuna and shuddered when they saw a sadistic smirk on Tsuna's face that was scarier than reborn's which was very rare. But just as they were about to ask Tsuna to stop making that face, someone picked up on the other end of the phone reborn was holding....

"Hello, who is this? Kora!" A masculine voice asked.

"Oi. Colonello, it's Reborn" the hitman stated.

" ah Reborn?! why are you ringing me? I mean not that I'm not happy to know that you took time to call, but I mean it's kind of odd..kora!" Colonello said

" well it's not just you I'm going to be calling I will be calling all the others as well because I need you to come to namimori in Japan, I found something that will help us fill in the blanks in our memories, before you ask where in namimori, the hospital on the west side ask for a Sawada Tsunayoshi and say you are an uncle of his or a cousin, as you won't be able to get past if you aren't family, ok" the fedora wearing hitman instructed.

"Okay, but what about the others kora!" The blond hitman stated with a raised eyebrow.

" could you pass it on to Lal, the lackey, and Fon, please" the black haired hitman asked

The the person on the other end of the line and occupants of the room except Tsuna were in complete shock at the hitman using manners, but the blond hitman shook out of it and said " of course! Kora!" And the line went dead

After he hung up, he did the same again with Aria and Luche, Viper/Mammon and Verde. After he hung up with Verde he turned to Tsuna and said

" get some rest, the others will be here tomorrow" Reborn said

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~time skip next day~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~


Just as we got to the hospital entrance (Lal-chan, Skull-the lackey,  Fon and I) I see an unexpected sight, Verde, Viper, Aria and Luche stood at the front doors waiting for us. We all walked in and went to the front desk, as none of the others knew who we were visiting I asked the receptionist "excuse me, but could you tell me what room a Sawada Tsunayoshi is in?kora!"

The nurse replied " of course but only if you are related to the patient"

"Sorry yes, he is our nephew, I believe my brother came by yesterday, kora!" Colonello said confusing the others until they remember Reborn's instructions

" oh my, I'm so sorry I didn't know, anyway he is on the top floor in the private room first one on the left"

"Okay, thank you miss" Verde said in a professional manner.

~~~~~~~~~~10 minutes later~~~~~~~~~

//knock, knock,knock//

"Come in" they heard Reborn say, before they all entered

We all were shocked when we saw a brunette in the bed, he was familiar... but where?

"Oi, don't just stand there like a bunch of zombies, just go over touch the ring he is holding and you will get your memories" reborn said as he clicked his tongue.

The other arcobaleno, including myself did as told, all of us except Aria and Luche are scared stiff of the boy sat in front of us. That traumatic day when the boy beat the shit out of us. We were cowering in the corner, while Reborn and Aria just went over and hugged tsuna while all three had sadistic smiles.










Till next time

(Here is a picture I drew of adult colonello)

(Here is a picture I drew of adult colonello)

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