The varia meet twins

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(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
"I'm going to miss them but when you think about it carefully then they never really are leaving they are right here with us" Tsuna said as he stared towards the nursery Byakuran nodded and said "it will definitely take some getting used to but I think we'll manage". He said as they both drifted back off to sleep.


Around 1 week later

Over the last week Tsuna had returned to full health much to the general surprise of Shamal and the others. However the doctor did recommend that the brunette take it easy for a few more days before trying to do anything more strenuous. Byakuran who was in the room nodded to the doctor that he would make sure that the brunette wouldn't do anything to strenuous. It was three days after that, when the brunette got a call through and told Byakuran that Xanxus and the rest of the Varia were there. 

The albino sighed and then started making arrangements, he quickly left the room and walked in the direction of the living room area. When he did get there he was welcomed by the sight of all of his guardians about to start fighting and to make matters worse it looked like they didn't even notice that the door had opened.

Byakuran watched as bluebell went to hit Zakuro and felt a tick mark growing on his forehead. He watched as all of his guardians started a complete and utter free for all brawl right in the middle of the living and he felt his patience line snap and he very loudly cleared his throat. It was at that moment that everything went really silent and all of the guardians were stood frozen in the middle of the partially destroyed living room. They slowly turned their head to see Byakuran stood in the door way, and boy did he look pissed at them.

"Kikyo I believe that I put you in charge to stop them fighting so why is it that I find you about to be a part of one of their fights?" the albino said with so much venom in his voice. Granted he doesn't mean to take it out on his guardians but with them constantly fighting and destroying the mansion, not to mention causing him more paperwork, whereas he also needs to help take care of the triplets and keep an eye out for the famiglia that are after his family let's just say that everyone has a breaking point and this folks was Byakuran breaking point.

Tsuna walked into the living room and stopped and stared in confusion and disbelief, because the scene that he had just walked in on was very surprising. Byakuran was stood looking at the group with what looked to be a demonic shadow growing behind him, a dark murderous look in his eyes and the living room partially destroyed with the other five guardian's stood in the centre of the destruction. "Zakuro follow me the rest of you stay and clean up the mess that you have made, and if it isn't cleared by the time I get back there will be severe repercussions." Tsuna said and shortly after that did he grab a hold of Zakuro and dragged him from the room and threw him out of the building after explaining to him the job he needed to do.

Shortly after he returned to where he knew the albino would be, so he walked to the albino's office and watched as he started to go through more paperwork and sighed before walking to go and sit next to him.

As the brunette sat down the albino looked up surprise and then said to the brunette "you should go and relax before Zakuro returns with the Varia." Tsuna smiled and said "what and leave you here to deal with this bull shit, yeah I think I would like my fiancé to be sane at the end of the day." The albino smiled to the brunette and said "thank you" the brunette smiled back and said "no problem now let's get these disgusting things over and done with shall we?" Byakuran nodded and they both started signing the paperwork.

Once they were done, the albino relaxed and said "that took a lot less time than normal" Tsuna chuckled and said "yeah that's because I'm used to signing paperwork unlike someone that I know" he sighed giving the albino a pointed look. The albino just shook his head and said "and that is one of the many reasons why we work so well together" Tsuna just raised an eyebrow as if to say 'yeah-just-keep-talking-you're-digging-yourself-a-deeper-grave' which the albino noticed and stopped talking choosing to instead sit on the comfortable couches in his office that were right next to a flat screen TV for when he got bored or needed a break.

After a few minutes of watching some random channel on the TV, a loud sound resembling that of a stampede started to make its way towards the office door. The brunette sighed and got up and said "I'll handle the paperwork that they are most likely going to cause by this" and the albino hugged him and said "thank you but you don't have to do it" Tsuna smiled and gave the albino a quick kiss before getting up to open the door before it was kicked in, while the albino went and sat on his chair and looked out of the window behind him.

Just as he made it to the door he sensed that someone was on the other side of it and slowly opened it in a way that would be rather creepy while applying mist flames to himself so that the people on the other side of the door couldn't see him. The albino smirked when he noticed what his fiancé was doing. The group of people that were behind the door slowly and cautiously walked into the room, when they didn't see either the albino or the brunette they became slightly on edge.

Byakuran slowly turned his chair around so that it was facing the group and saw the cautious expression and chuckled and said "no need to be on guard Xanxus" the red eyed man slowly lowered the gun that he had aimed at the chair and then said "where's Tsuna?" his other guardians nodding along.

The albino pointed to the couch where the brunette was waving at them, they all looked with a raised eyebrow and Levi-a-than said "since when were you there?" Tsuna smiled and said "the whole time" the Varia nodded their heads not believing a single thing that the brunette had said to them.

"So are you going to tell me the real reason that you haven't been in contact at all?" Xanxus said as he looked at the brunette. Tsuna smiled and turned to Zakuro who was watching the scene with amused eyes and said "could you go and get Ayame and Kurai" the red haired male was about to sarcastically ask which ones but knew he would be shot at and not just by his white haired boss. So he nodded and started to walk out of the room heading in the direction of the twin's room.

After a few minutes did Zakuro return with the twins and the whole Varia was rather surprised, although some couldn't be seen (Bel and his hair). "Ushishishishishishi who are they and why do they look like you and the marshmallow peasant Tsuna?"

The brunette raised an eyebrow and said "well these two are the reason that I haven't been able to get in contact with anyone as of the last ten or so months. Anyway the female is Ayame and the male is Kurai they are both from the future and before you ask they are from just under 17 years in the future so yeah." The Varia nodded not completely understanding where the conversation was heading, the brunette continued "and as for why they look like me and bya-kun is because they are our children"

It was that one sentence that the Varia froze at "what do you mean they're yours and his children?" Lussuria asked. "Exactly as I said, they are my children" he tuned to the two teens and said "I'm not sure if you told me but did you mention meeting the Varia?" the twins nodded and said "briefly" they then properly introduced themselves and the Varia did as well, after that Tsuna turned back to the twins and smirked darkly before he said "your grandfather wants you both to go over to your uncles so that you can help tor-tutor him"

The twins smirked back at the brunette and said "but of course kaa-san, see you later" before they used their night flames to teleport to the sawada household. "What the hell just happened?" Xanxus asked
Till next time.

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