The truth behind the sky and the clouds reaction (edited)

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(Author's notes)
"foreign language"
// sound effect or flash//
'Talking over the chat room'

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Last time


I can see the expression on my brother's face darken, meaning he also thought back to the day we met Tsuna. I just hope my theory is wrong because if not then the Sawadas (except tsuna of course) are going to die. *sigh* " let's go in and you can tell us what happened before all the other students arrive, okay tsuna otouto?" Tsuna nodded, which made me happier to know that he would tell me, at least he wouldn't try to hide it 'I just hope he doesn't say he got those injuries while doing as Deadly Cielo because both Kyouya and I know that is a lie'. (Yes both Kyouya and Alaude know about tsuna's secret) After that all three of us walked to where the disciplinary committee's room is and made ourselves comfortable, then Tsuna spoke up.


In the disciplinary committee room


The three friends/brothers sat down and tried to get comfortable. Kyouya and Alaude were starting to get impatient as they waited for Tsuna, to spit out what he was so desperately to hide. "Okay I'll tell you but on one condition"the brunette exclaimed. "Fine, I agree to your condition as long as you tell us what happened?" Both brothers said in unison. They both turned to look at one another in surprise, each noticing the others surprised expression, turned away with a tint of red showing on their faces (they really should have asked what the condition was before agreeing to it!!!). Tsuna watched the Hibaris in amusement with a small easily missed smile gracing his face, the brunette looked around the room and found what he was looking for, he picked up the objects and quietly walked over to the brothers who were still too deep In their own thoughts to notice the brunette duct-taping them to their seats, so they wouldn't make any rash decisions. Kyouya and Alaude were brought out of their stupor when they heard the ripping of the tape, when they tried to move they finally took noticed of the fact that they were bound to the chairs they were sat on and weren't getting up any time soon. They eventually looked up to see a smirking brunette with a roll of duct-tape in his hand casually tossing it in the air only to catch it a second later. 😈. "What is the meaning of this Omnivore?" Kyouya said in a tone that would cause anyone outside of the committee room would be high tailing it for the hills by now, but because all of them knew each other pretty well neither Tsuna or Alaude were intimidated by his tone.

Silence hung in the air for a good 10 or so minutes, the Hibari brothers getting more pissed off by the second. Just as Tsuna was about to say something his phone goes off...the brunette looked at the caller identification... Irie Shoichi "great...just what I needed right now" tsuna mumbled (note the sarcasm)

*answers phone*


"Ah Cielo-Sensei is that you?"

"Yeah who else would it be answering my phone Baka?"

"Sorry Sensei, but you never know"

"I suppose, but why did you address me in that manner and not as Tsuna"

"I'm sorry I failed to think of that Sensei please don't double my punishment"

(Tsuna has a side to him that is even more sadistic than reborn) Kyouya and Alaude could hear someone speaking on the other end of the phone, they were royally confused as to who it was because as far as they were aware Tsuna didn't have a student, and at the mention of a punishment they saw a smirk lace it's way onto the brunette's face, which caused both boys to instantly pale (when tsuna goes into his sadistic self even the most feared people in namimori are scared of him).

" Sorry but I can't make any promises, oh and by the way is there a reason as to why you called me right now, I was about to have a conversation about you-know-what with Kyouya and Alaude"

"S-s-s-sorry i didn't realise I was interrupting your conversation Sensei, it's just that Xanxus is getting impatient and wants to talk with you over the phone within the next hour"

"Fine you did the right thing telling me give him the number to the work phone instead of my personal one, you and I both know that they will try to track it, and all the calls registered to that phone can't be pinpointed to a specific location"

"Ok Sensei will do and be carful, I have this feeling like something is going to happen in the next couple of days"

" I know I felt it to and I will drop by either after school today or tomorrow okay"

"Okay Sensei but may I ask why"

"Oh just to make sure you're not slacking off on me, and if you are I will double your training and there will be a punishment involved" the brunette stated with a smirk getting wider and wider.

"*shivers* B-B-Bye Sensei"

*hangs up*

"Who was that Omnivore?"Kyouya asked curious as to whom his friend who he considers a brother was talking to because Kyouya knew he didn't he know them.

"Just a thorn in my side is all, anyway shall we proceed with what you wanted to know, ne~ kyouya?" The brunette gave a small yet cute smile which made the demon prefect blush slightly which was still unnoticeable by the occupants of the room.

Tsuna proceeded to tell the brothers what had happened as well as showing them the almost visible scares and the clearly visible wounds on his chest, back, arms and neck.

~~~~~time skip to when the school gate is 10 minutes away from being opened~~~~~

Both the the Hibaris sat there In stunned, but suddenly, as if someone who pressed the big red button reading 'do not push' an emence bloodlust and killing intent that was felt over all namimori, which also caused a curtain red head to shiver in fear and have a stomachache as well as a curtain blonde to wake with a start in fear.
Until next part hope you enjoyed😄

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