Destruction at its finest

350 14 1

(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
They noticed the gesso famiglia smirking darkly and then they noticed the figure land on the ground. The first thing they noticed was a pair of demonic wings and tail. The figure turned around and the vongola group could only stare in shock as the wings and tail disappeared.


"What the fuck?" Giotto shouted as he stared at his younger brother. Tsuna just looked towards the trees and started to walk towards them. Ignoring the others that wear watching what he did.

Giotto turned towards byakuran and sweat dropped when he noticed that the albino and the twins were sat on chairs that appeared out of nowhere while eating marshmallows with smirks of sadistic glee on their faces as they looked in the direction that Tsuna had just gone to.

After a few minutes a very big explosion occurred, so big a mushroom cloud of smoke loomed over the majority of the forest. The group could only watch in shock as a large group of Mafioso came running out of the tree line. Freezing when they saw the group. Seconds later a humming could be heard and all of the vongola unconsciously took a step back.

From what they could see was a pair of glowing rainbow coloured eyes that held so much malicious intent staring at the group of Mafioso that had just emerged from the tree line. The figure stepped into the moonlight and the smirks on byakuran and the twins faces got even more sadistic and then kurai said "oh no Kaa-san's been pissed off to the point it has turned to outright unadulterated rage, well people that I don't know it wasn't nice meeting you" in a gleeful yet extremely sarcastic tone.

The vongola group could only stare at the blond haired teen before turning back to Tsuna whose eyes flashed a dark grey/black with red outlining it. Byakuran who noticed the eye colour change gulped and said "okay I think it's time that we vacate the area" the group all looked at him with raised eyebrows, byakuran looked at the group and said "look at the colour of his eyes" everyone looked and saw it.

The gesso famiglia started to quickly make their way from the clearing while the vongola were trying to remember what that flame actually was. When he saw the colour of tsuna's eyes reborn started to think back o he last time he saw that colour combination and his eyes widened and he too started following after the gesso group, when the other arcobaleno and vongola family noticed the quickly retreating group and noticed that reborn was following them decided that they should b=probably follow. However viper did leave behind a camera so that they could watch what happens. When they all reached the gesso mansion they all quickly went in and sat in the large living room area and viper made the connection go to the TV so they could see the camera feed.

"What's going on?" colonnello asked before being shushed by the others who were watching the TV. A second later they saw something move in the tree line and noticed that Tsuna had also noticed this and it seemed he was passed unadulterated rage. They stared as flames started circling him causing violent winds to flood the area.

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