Finale part 1

765 15 5

(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

(I know I said that the last chapter was the second to last but I changed my mind tis one is the second to last chapter generally because I didn't have enough time to finish the chapter before my next lesson)

Last time
Once shamal returned Tsuna went to get changed and then when he returned the family of 6 left towards gesso mansion after telling Shamal not to inform the others let it be surprise.


Tsuna looked around the town with a fond smile on his face as a wave of nostalgia hit him. Kurai noticed this and said "you seem happy Kaa-san, why?" Tsuna turned his heterochromatic eyes towards Kurai and said "not much has changed considering that ten years has passed since I last walked these streets." Kurai smiled at his mother and held Tsuna's hand as they walked he lost his mother once there is no way he was planning on letting go of his mother's hand until they were safely within the walls of gesso mansion.

As they were walking towards the mansion many people stare slightly at the siblings mother because to them Tsuna was a walking beauty after not many people can say that they are actually 33 years old but actually look like they are in their early twenties, everyone that they passed generally thought that Tsuna was their older brother.

When they were passing the shops Tsuna turned to Kurai and said "has the currency changed?" Kurai shook his head signalling no and then Tsuna asked "is there food in the cupboards at home or is shopping needed?" Ayame piped in saying "yes we need to go shopping we are low on food supplies." Tsuna picked nodded and said "okay then lets quickly go home so I can pick up some money and then we can go shopping" Natsuno smiled and said "don't worry, I'll pay for it, you just woke up, you need to take care of yourself" Tsuna sighed and said "fine but I am giving you the money back when we get home is that understood" (forgot to mention that while Tsuna was in the coma he had a tube that was put down his throat to get food into his stomach, and also due to his hair being fast growing someone always cut it so it was the same length if not slightly longer than it used to be before he taken)

The group of six walked into the grocery store, after about ten minutes of shopping they had got all of the things that they needed and made their way out of the store, a little further down the road they were met by the current president of the disciplinary committee (whose name was akatani Ryunosuke or Ryu for short). He noticed the group of six and seeing three people that he didn't recognise, he turned to Kurai and said "hello Kurai how are you?" Kurai smiled slightly and said "hello Ryu, I'm good you?"

Ryu was about to answer when a cough was heard behind him. Kurai turned around to see Tsuna staring at him intently the brunette in turn said to him "Kurai aren't you going to introduce me to your friend" a small smile present on his face. Kurai sighed and said "we are acquaintances we only met earlier today but fine, this is Akatani Ryunosuke the disciplinary committee president of school" Tsuna smiled and said "ah so you took over kyo-chan and Al-Chan's old position"

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