Penultimate chapter

706 14 1

(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
"*sigh* sometimes I wonder if you purposely put yourself in these positions Tsuna, I hope your safe" Enma said looking at the sky. "Enma what should he do" a voice said. Enma turned his head towards the voice and said "call my pilot and tell him to prepare the jet, we will be staying at the mansion in Italy for a little while, understood Adelheid"


Adelheid nodded and left to go and do as assigned.

Time skip – 6 months (because author is highly motivated at doing nothing)

The entire group was ready to get tsuna, they had brought Shamal with them just in case he was needed. (I know what you are all thinking, shouldn't tsuna be already with them, why isn't he? Well the answer to that is that, the people that had taken tsuna found out that their location had been breached and they relocated taking tsuna with them) they were currently in infiltrating an underground facility underneath morocco, as they were close to where tsuna was kept they were intercepted by the people who ran the famiglia. A long fight ensued ending with the defeat of them, thanks to the help of Kawahira, Enma and his famiglia and some of verde's experiments.

When they reached the room in which Tsuna was held Shamal was the first to enter the room, when he did and he saw the state of Tsuna, he immediately ordered everyone to stay out of the room.

Outside the room

Small time skip of a few hours

Everyone was confused as to why shamal acted the way he did. It had been three hours since they reached the room. The door opened and everyone turned to shamal who was stood in the door way with a grim expression. They all feared the worst of the news that they were about to receive, "well there is good news and there is some bad news, I think it best we move back to Vongola mansion before we do anything" the others apart from Byakuran and Enma thought about how long that was going to take for them to get back.

Byakuran grabbed his phone and punched in a number after a few rings he heard a voice on the other end they discussed some things and then hung up shortly after a portal of night flames appeared the others were sceptical but seeing as Enma walked through unfazed as did Giotto the others shortly followed, the portal closing behind them leaving Kawahira, Byakuran, Shamal and Tsuna behind. Kawahira, Shamal and Byakuran all walked into the room. When Byakuran saw the condition that Tsuna was in he feared the worst, the brunette was paler than the sheets that he lay upon, shortly after a portal of night flames appeared and out came Bermuda, who said "I thought that you could use help moving Tsuna and the Twins" Byakuran looked at Shamal who motioned his head to the side of the room and he walked over and saw two babies.

He sighed slightly in relief that two of his family were okay. The night flame portal seemed to get bigger and a few more members of the vindice appeared and helped to move tsuna with strict oversight by Shamal who was temporarily putting his fear for the beings to the back of his mind as the patient they were handling was his top priority.

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