The final clue and cloud battle

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(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Last time
The figure stopped and looked at Giotto with a smirk but said "that would be cheating so no can do I'm afraid Ta ta for now" and with that he disappeared leaving everyone to think about the new found clue as they went home to sleep on it.

Next morning
Arcobaleno mansion

Reborn just got up and was debating what the clues meant. He walked down the stairs to pour his regular morning espresso and made his way to the living room seeing all the other arcobaleno sitting there with expressions that say they are deep in thought."it all seems a little strange doesn't it kora " the blonde said aloud causing everyone to look at him questioningly luche asked "what do you mean colonello?". "I understand where your coming from colonello all of these clues we've been given are very confusing for instance when we begin to understand one clue he gives us another that completely throws off what we originally thought" reborn replied.

Viper said "why don't we go over all the clues we got so far and see if we can come up with what that mist guy is trying to tell us because what ever it is it must be important for him to go against xanxus but we also have to think that xanxus has ordered the guy to do this" everyone nodded "okay what was the first clue that we got reborn" lal asked "keep your guard up and also make sure you keep an eye on your surroundings and look at every detail  because sometimes the most hard to believe things turn out to be true and the most easiest things to believe can be false even before ones eye" reborn replied.

"Okay what was the second clue that we got" fon asked.

"sometimes being able to tell an illusion to the real thing is hard but sometimes living ones whole life in an illusion is harder" verde said

"okay so if we put them together we get keep your guard up and also make sure you keep an eye on your surroundings and look at every detail  because sometimes the most hard to believe things turn out to be true and the easiest things to believe can be false even before ones eye and sometimes being able to tell an illusion to the real thing is hard but sometimes living ones whole life in an illusion is harder" skull said

Reborn and aria both widened their eyes when they heard the two clues together as they thought it sounded familiar to someone they knew colonello noticed this and asked "what is that you to have figured out that we don't get?" Both aria and reborn exchange looks and nod and reborn said "when you put the two together it sounds like they are describing someone's life and for some reason it sounds like they are describing someone we know think about it carefully  something hard to believe, something that happened before our eyes" surprising reborn and aria, skull was actually the first to figured out the encryption which was confirmed when he said "no... You don't mean to tell me that your talking about him are you" he received a nod from the latter and a confused look from the rest.

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