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(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
After that they left and headed back to the mansion, once they were back they headed to the kitchen an started preparing dinner for the evening.


After a few more weeks of training did Tsuna inform the group that their training with him was finished, they all understood however Kyouya, Alaude and Giotto made it clear to the Brunette that they were going to be checking in with him when he isn't at school because after what they heard they don't want to risk losing Tsuna.

Tsuna chuckled at the memory and thought to himself 'my brothers.... Wait maybe I should talk to xanxus-nii haven't spoken to him in a while I'll do it later' after actually turning back to focusing on what he was doing he realised that he had already arrived at the school and sighed before walking to his classroom.

When he arrived only a few other students were present in the room, after a few minutes someone entered the room and walked towards the brunette before taking their seats by him. "kaa-san" the figure whispered to Tsuna who turned to look at them and saw Ayame under her illusion looking at him in concern and smiled slightly and said "don't worry Aya-chan I'm fine just thinking about something" the girl nodded and turned back to her phone but still discreetly watched Tsuna from the corner of her eyes.

Tsuna sighed and got his phone out and looked at the time and sighed again and thought to himself 'I've been doing that a lot lately' before reaching into his bag and getting out his school books. Once he had finished getting his things out the five minute bell went and students quickly started pilling into their classes ready or not to start the day.

One minute after the bell to start class went the teacher walked in and began class. Tsuna wrote down everything that was needed and started getting on with the set assignment along with Byakuran, Ayame and Kurai, while the rest of the students were struggling to understand what it was that they needed to do. After about half an hour the brunette had finished the set work and felt a wave of nausea roll over him and put his hand up. When the teacher took notice of this he walked to Tsuna and they spoke in hushed voices before the teacher took the work and Tsuna got up and left the room to go to the bathroom.

As Tsuna walked to the door Giotto, the twins and Byakuran were watching him intently for any sign that something might be wrong as over the last few days he seems to be more distant then normal.

Once the brunette had left the classroom he sighed yet again and started walking to the toilets, when he arrived he closed the cubicle door before proceeding to have a wave of morning sickness. Once he was finished being sick, he stood up and felt everything spinning. So sat back down for a minute to try and stop the spinning of the room.

After a minute the dizziness stopped so the brunette got up and flushed the chain of the toilet before going to wash his hands, he looked at himself in the mirror and thought to himself 'I look horrible' before finishing up and began the walk back to him classroom.

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