Appointment/ news

310 13 0

(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
Once he had finished eating the cake he thanked the guardians before he headed up to bed.

The next day

When Tsuna woke up the next morning he was happy when he didn't hear the sounds of explosions or shouting. Once he got up from the bed and changed into his clothes for the day he quickly made the bed and went to do all of his general hygiene things. Once he was done he looked at the time and sighed before making his way out of the bedroom towards the dining room.

When he arrived he noticed everyone already sat around the table eating. He blinked in surprise before taking a seat next to Byakuran, where a cup of espresso was placed for him. After he had his drink. He checked his watch before muttering a "see you later" and getting up and leaving the room. We quickly walked back to his room and collected his things before heading to the front door.

After he closed the front door behind him the brunette sighed and said "that has to be the most awkward breakfast I've ever been in" before walking off through the woods to get to where he was going.

Back in the mansion

Ayame looked at her father and said "do you think Kaa-san remembers it's his birthday today?" Byakuran chuckled and said "if I'm being honest probably not considering how busy things have been over the last few months I don't think he does"

With Tsuna

As the brunette started to approach the hospital his hyper intuition flared as he turned to look in the direction he just came from. No one was there. He turned back around and carried on walking not letting his guard down. As he reached the hospital doors he spotted Shamal stood there waiting for him, at this point the intuition calmed down a little bit.

Shamal ushered Tsuna into the hospital. When they were in the private room Shamal turned to Tsuna and said "you seem very on edge" Tsuna sighed and said "just paranoid I think after all bad things always seem to happen on this date" Shamal thought about it for a few minutes before saying "what kind of things?" Tsuna gave him an are you kidding me look before replying "I was sold to the estraneo this date 18 years ago, I was beat to an inch of my life by that useless bastard that called himself a father on this date 7 years ago. Do I need to go on?" Shamal shook his head and said "no need I get the point."

"Anyway why did you make an appointment today?" the doctor asked the brunette Tsuna looked at Shamal again and said "I'm pretty sure that I am pregnant again and I would like it confirmed and if so how many I'm having" the doctor sighed and said "okay, you know the drill"

Tsuna nodded and went and lay down on the table, while Shamal left the room. (In this hospital if you are all wondering all of the medical staff have been chosen by the vongola, so know about tsuna's abilities after being given a brief run through about them in case Shamal is unavailable, so are not surprised about this breakthrough)
After a few minutes Shamal returned into the room and did a few tests. While they were waiting for the results Shamal raised an eyebrow at the bags under the brunette's eyes and said "you do know if the results come back as positive you will have to let the others take care of your work for you. I don't want you collapsing from Pre-eclampsia and hyperemesis gravidarum again. You need rest, which judging by the bags under your eyes you clearly aren't getting."

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