To the future- vongola falls rise of milefiore part 3

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(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

P.s. This will probably be really bad because I can't right proper fight scenes
Last time
Reborn said "tell me one thing were you the one that killed Tsuna in this time or did you order one of your funeral wraths to do it" at the mention of Tsuna Byakuran growled at Reborn and said "if you dare to mention his name once more I will kill you myself and just so you know if you really want to know who killed the Tsuna of this time ask the smoking bombs sister there after all she was there when it happened" just as he was about to turn off the connection he said "oh and why don't we have a game of chance we will meet at namimori shrine tomorrow and then we will begin the game have shoichi fill you in on the rules. Bye bye" and with that the connection was cut everyone stared at 10 years later Bianchi and shoichi waiting for answers...



Once the connection was cut off a long uncomfortable silence presumed no one would speak until a gun shot was heard everyone looked towards reborn and he said "okay this is a very awkward situation however we need answers so Bianchi please tell us how the Tsuna of this time died". Giotto and all of the guardians winced at that, Bianchi however refused to look anyone in the eye she got up to walk to the door and stood in the door frame with her back facing them.

She said "it was a year ago actually I was sent out on a mission to check to see if it was true that the arcobaleno of this time were truly dead, I had reached the mansion in Italy to see it burning down to the ground with the bodies of each of the arcobaleno littering the grounds surrounding it. When I was close enough I saw a figure walking out of the fire and my immediate thoughts were that they were the ones to start the fire as I was about to get closer to the figure a gunshot went off I looked to where I heard the gunshot from and found that the reborn of this time was still alive at least enough to be able to use his gun before he died as well." Everyone looked at reborn who now knew that his future self was on to something because he wouldn't have shot if the person was from an allied famiglia.

Bianchi continued "when I approached the shot figure I noticed who it was I immediately brought them back to the base and an operation started however they lost too much blood. A few minutes before the figure passed away the future Giotto came in and looked at the figure before asking what they were doing there and who they were. Because he obviously couldn't recognise the person. After I had told him about the identity of the person he left the room and an explosion was heard from the training rooms 3 minutes later and just after that the person died due to blood loss there blood coating both my own and shamal's hands it is day that I really want to forget but I can't and I'm always left with the guilt" she said before her shoulders started to shake.
G looked at his sister and said "okay but how does this link to Tsuna".

Bianchi turned around and looked at them with a tear stricken face and said "the person that died in my arms that day was Tsuna" and with that she walked out of the room crying while everyone else looked shocked and felt guilty but one thought remained In all of their minds and that was that if Tsuna said he wanted nothing to do with Vongola then why was he at the mansion in the first place.

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