Somewhat normal part 3

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(Author's notes)



"Tsuna's sadistic side speaking"

'Tsuna's sadistic side thinking'



"foreign language"

// sound effect or flash//

Talking over chatroom - cn (character name/initials): ........

I don't own Katekyo hitman reborn nor do I own the characters

Bold in last chapter is underlined in this bit

Also for when Nagi/Chrome is speaking with Mukuro it will be like this' .............................'

Last time
Giotto's group then ran out onto the roof and looked over the railing to see both Tsuna and Byakuran walking out of the school like nothing happened. They all went to leave but Giotto remained their staring in the direction of the mansion and smirked sadistically all of the others who noticed this thought 'is Tsuna rubbing off on Giotto' they then heard a powerful explosion and saw that it was in the direction that Giotto was smirking in when they looked down they noticed that no one else heard it then figured that mist flames were being used and they knew that the place where the explosion happened is where a not so happy tuna fish is and thought to avoid it at all cost.


Gesso mansion


All of the funeral wraths were cowering at the sight of the demon in front of them. The demon walked towards them slowly and said "who was it that started the fight" everyone pointed towards bluebell and Zakuro while afraid for their lives and the demon turned towards them bluebell said " i-i-i-I'll give you strawberry cake if you don't hurt me" this made the brunette's dark aura intensify even more as he said "you think that cake is going to make me stop. pathetic you do know what you destroyed right" the two funeral wraths shook their heads and then looked around the room until their eyes unconsciously drift to the corner of the room where there sat a smashed glass ornament of what used to be a figure with one angel and one devil wing holding a scythe. They looked back at the demon in front of them finally understanding what they have done they turned into their other forms and hightailed it out of the room with a raging brunette on their tails. (Literally).

For the next few hours all Mafioso in the area could here were the screams of people being tortured and felt sorry for them while some not saying who (reborn) sat there with a sadistic smile on their face.

After a few hours of torturing Tsuna finally sat down and sighed and said to the albino "I'm never going to be able to get it fixed."

After that a single tear fell down the brunette's face and as quickly as it fell it was wiped away by his albino companion who said " get me the pieces and I'll see what I can do" after that the brunette nodded and went and got the pieces of the smashed ornament and gave I to the taller boy who smiled at him and placed the broken pieces on his desk he then looked at the brunette and said " you know when I designed and made this for you I added something in the case that it got destroyed *the brunette looked at the white haired boy and nodded telling him to go on* all you need to do is add some sky flames and ta da back to new" as the boy said that the glass figure did just that and looked as if it had never been smashed in the first place. The brunette smiled happily at Byakuran and walked over and hugged him and said "thank you Byakuran- kun" before kissing him on the lips (10027 people) to which the albino immediately responded it would have got a little more heated had  a gagging sound not been heard from the door when they both turned to look at the new occupant of the room they saw kikyo and an injured Zakuro gagging in the corner at them to which Byakuran and Tsuna looked at each other before they gave each other one lass kiss before leaving the brunette left the room with his now fixed figure.

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